Wednesday 10 April 2013

Weigh In Wednesday


Following the blog link up from Erin and Alex!

Last Weigh In: April 3, 2013 – 176 pounds.

Today’s Weight:178.

Starting Weight: September 19th, 2011 - 205 pounds. Down overall 27 pounds.

Operation Baby Making Status (OBM): Not preggers yet. But we have been like bunnies lately ;)

I like to talk about poop.  Today’s Weigh In Wednesday is brought to you by IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and how it’s a pain in my ass.  (Sorry if it's too much information, but it actually I think needs to be mentioned this week!)

I have not pooped since Saturday.  That is four days.  Well, technically I pooped today but it was tiny and not really worth noting.  I am distended.  (I enjoy that word better the bloated, maybe as every fucking time I write a blog entry I am mentioning bloat)  It looks like I have gained twenty pounds but really its two pounds, I am assuming its poop waiting to come out.  I feel as I am quite literally full of shit… however, I have no cramping … yet.   Last night I hate a huge handful of prunes (I actually truly love prunes), oatmeal and I drank my weight in water.  (I always drink about 16 servings of water in a day, yesterday I was up to 22 I believe.) I think that’s why I pooped a bit today.  For breakfast this morning, I had Danone Probiotic yogurt to get things moving. 

When I was first diagnosed with IBS I had just turned 25.  (If you aren't familiar with it, it's not life threatening or anything, jut a major inconvenience.) The first few years of my IBS, I had diarrhea, a lot.  Like every day.  It was not pleasant.  Then in the last year or so, I have had little to no diarrhea flare-ups, now I am experiencing constipation more then anything.  But it’s definitely spread out more then my diarrhea days.  I just would eat a few apples and have some oatmeal and the next day, no problemo.  The last few days are definitely out of the norm for me.  I would hazard a guess it was all of the rich Chinese Food I gorged on last Saturday.

It’s frustrating that I am really good all week, and have one huge cheat meal and I am up two pounds.  I realize poop is involved in this, but still.  So much for my losing weight this week.

Killer Buns and Thighs  will be the death of me.  I do however feel I can see a difference in my thighs and rump already.  And my husband is still doing the Shred with me.  He says he can't see an improvement in himself but I can see it in him.  He looks a bit more toned and his stamina in the workout has definitely improved!  Yay for my workout buddy!


  1. Recently I have been trying to drink Kefir every day which is practically like a yogury, about 2 hours after I always end up in the bathroom as it removes a lot of the stuff my body doesn't need. If you like greek yogurt it tastes like that, I get strawberry it's my favorite. Not sure if it would help but thought I might suggest it, I get it at Publix next to the yogurt.

  2. good job on your weight loss so far!!!!!
    keep up the good work :-)

  3. IBS is tough, because you have to find that fine balance between foods that healthy and foods that are healthy and not produce so much gas/constipate you :(

    do you drink lots of water? i eat tons of fiber every day and i have to make sure that i drink lots of water or i'll get backed up. btw, i read that those with IBS should avoid gluten and apples (beans too) as those are the bigger offenders when it comes to gas production.

    i also take a probiotic pill (i like Udo's Choice Super8 Adult Blend) which also helps combat gas/bloating. you can find them at the health food store in the fridge.

    1. I drink lots of water, but I seem to lack in the fiber department sometime. I will have to be more diligent in that in the future :) I will check out the probiotic pill next time I am out, thanks for the suggestion and the info! :)
