Wednesday 3 April 2013

Weigh-in Wednesday


Following the blog link up from Erin and Alex!

Last Weigh In: March 27, 2013 – 176 pounds.

Today’s Weight:176, Not going to beat myself up, hopefully last day of TOM and STILL Bloated like a beached whale.

Starting Weight: September 19th, 2011 - 205 pounds. Down overall 29 pounds.

Operation Baby Making Status (OBM): Not preggers yet. Once Aunt Flo hits the road, we will start “not-not trying” again.

My body is still changing after coming off the Birth Control Pill (BCP) in January.  Last week I was super bloated and spotting.  Saturday, Sunday and Monday I was full on Aunt Flo, yesterday and today it is tapering off .  I am still crazy bloated and my face looks like pizza.  Oh, the joys of being a hormonal woman.  I thought I would mention this stuff for Operation Baby Making (OBM) as I noticed, while asking people questions, that no one talks about coming off the BCP and the changes that your body may experience.  The bloating is the worse.  I am bloated; it seems like, 3 weeks a month: a week before, a week during and almost a week after my TOM. 

I caught up my Easter weekend with my Fat to Fit Tuesday Friday entry that you can read here:  Fat to Fit TuesdayFriday.  Funny thing about this entry, I was surprised by the number of hits that I got.  I was like; gee, my boring Easter weekend wasn’t that exciting.  Then I realized most of my hits were coming from a movie website so I am assuming my entry was coming up in a search due to the movie I referenced…?  

Yesterday was successful in food and workout.  My husband had his first taste of Jillian’s 30-Day Shred, he repeatedly told her to shut up after each move, and it was humourous.  April will be 30 Days of Jillian, as I suck and missed April 1st, May 1st will make up the 30th day.  May 2nd will be a rest day and May 3rd is the start of summer hockey.  I asked my husband last night how many evenings he wants to workout in the evening so I can plan on the days he wants to rest to workout in the mornings instead, he surprised me that he wants to workout  Monday to Friday.  I am very proud of him to want to make a lifestyle change and I am excited to have a full time workout buddy, not just a sporadic one.  I am hoping to do the 30-Day Shred with my husband on week nights and do Killer Buns and Thighs “Killer” on weekends and “some” mornings when I want an extra workout.  For instance, this morning I did “Killer” and I will do 30-Day Shred when I get home tonight.  I am hoping to get as many additional “Killer” workouts in before my hockey gala in a last kick at the can before my hockey gala. 

So yesterday, I decided to attempt to lose my last twenty pounds by July 1st, which is Canada Day.  I was debating coming up with a snazzy catch phrase for it like “Operation Red Bikini” (which is super cute by the way, just I don’t think I am hitting that goal this year.)  But I didn’t want anything that would get me red flagged by some Big Brother agency.  (I didn’t even want to put my ideas in this paragraph, hahaha I am neurotic) I can just imagine them spying on my blog and be like “This chick is just trying to get knocked up and shed some fat off her arse.”  So I am just going with “Countdown to Canada Day”  I have slightly less then 13 weeks.  I think hope I WILL attain this 20 pounds in 13 weeks goal.  My thought also being, by July if Operation Baby Making hasn’t happened by then, we will be officially “trying” and not just “not-not trying”.  I know the statistics and the facts; a healthier body weight will help make getting pregnant easier, and be way healthier for me and the baby if/when I get pregnant.


  1. great job on the shred...I have been trying to talk my husband into doing it without me forever! and good luck on the baby making...I'm in the same boat. hard to focus on losing weight when all you really want is a big ole belly. :)

    1. Thank you! And good luck to you too :)And it is hard to focus, I am trying to keep myself motivated that I need to get this weight off now as I don't want to add another 20, 30 or 60 pounds getting pregnant and still having these last twenty pounds to go. So frustrating! :)
