Wednesday 24 April 2013

Weigh In Wednesday


Following the blog link up from Erin and Alex!

Last Weigh In: April 17, 2013 – 178 pounds.

Today’s Weight:176.  (So much for my 20 pounds before July 1st, I pretty much wasted all of April)

Starting Weight: September 19th, 2011 - 205 pounds. Down overall 29 pounds.

Lowest weight to date: March 2013 173.5 - was down 31.5 pounds

Operation Baby Making Status (OBM): Not preggers yet. 

I am thinking about breaking up with my scale.  I hate this bitch.  She hangs over my head and mocks me all the damned time.  Fucking whore.

Nothing really hasn’t moved.  I have played around in the 170’s since October.  I am so sick of it.  I am debating breaking up for the month of May.  Do a weigh in on May 1st and a weigh in on May 31st.  I am also planning on giving up junk food for the whole month of May like I did for Lent.  I was successful in dropping 5 pounds (I have since gained back 1 sometimes 3 pounds).

With that being said, I will still blog weight loss stuggle stuff.

Today’s bitch fest is brought to you by Aunt Flo and the Cramps.  Fuck my uterus is angry today.  Not fun. 

May also starts up my summer hockey.  I am excited for that.  I have to figure out a workout schedule that I am not always burnt out from.  Daily workouts won’t work for me anymore, I am ridiculously tired lately.  I am thinking two concrete rest days a weeks, possibly three.  And bust my ass for the workouts.  I am also thinking a small abs challenge for every day of the month.  I am thinking the Fab Abs challenge from February.  Not a strenuous workout so hopefully I wont be burnt out, but a concentrated quick strength workout for every day, including my rest days.  

NSV: Sweatshirt is a woman's size small!!!  Buffalo jeans I picked up for $9.99!

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Weigh In Wednesday


Following the blog link up from Erin and Alex!

Last Weigh In: April 10, 2013 – 178 pounds.

Today’s Weight:178.  Fuck off and stay fucked off.

Starting Weight: September 19th, 2011 - 205 pounds. Down overall 27 pounds.

Lowest weight to date: March 2013 173.5 - was down 31.5 pounds

Operation Baby Making Status (OBM): Not preggers yet.  Took a test, it was negative.

I declared Canada Day Countdown two weeks ago.  I was going to lose 20 pounds by July 1st.  In two weeks, I have gained 2 pounds.  Fucking awesome!  (I say sarcastically.)  I am back to pooping, so I can’t blame the IBS.  It has been 3 months and 11 days since I stopped the Birth Control Pill (BCP).  Anything I read states it can take up to 6 months or longer for your body to regulate and go back to normal after stopping the BCP.  The bloating has been the hardest thing for me to deal with as my pants are super tight one day, and then normal the next.  I actually convinced myself that I was pregnant at one point as my bloated belly looked like a pregnant belly, or so I thought (or wishful thinking).  I even wasted money on a pregnancy test, which was negative.

I am negative Nancy today:

I am sick and tired of counting calories.

I am sick and tired of coming in perfect with my calories for up to and including my dinner calories, then turning into a ravenous animal AFTER dinner and eating everything in sight.

I am sick and tired of making plans to work out twice in one day and barely making the first workout.

I am sick and tired of waking up early to get in my first workout; my body says it wants sleep.

I am sick and tired of trying to “plan” a workout schedule of two workouts a day, everyday, for a whole month with no rest days; and then when I break down and take a rest day, I take three. 

I am sick and tired of being tired all of the time.

I am sick and tired of this “Weight loss journey” a year and a half later and I hit the 30 pounds lost, and bounce around it. 

I am sick and tired of worrying about what I put in my mouth.  (That’s what she said)

I am sick and tired of feeling guilty for not making the healthiest of choices.

I am sick and tired of wondering, “Why can’t I be skinny?” when I know it’s me and my bad choices.

I am sick and tired of thinking about Ruffles Sour Cream and Onion Chips all of the time.

I am sick and tired of myself and my lack of will power.

I am sick and tired of myself and my “Oh, I am going to have a cheat meal” and it becomes a cheat WEEK or MONTH.

I am sick and tired of hearing people say “it’s a lifestyle change”, because at a year and half later, while I have made some improvements, I feel I still struggle daily.  I was hoping it would get easier as I went along and I feel like it’s harder now. 

I am sick and tired of my bitching and complaining.

I am sick and tired of getting down on myself.

I am sick and tired of my fucked up scale that adds 2.5 pounds compared to the scale at the gym, and then me wondering if it’s adding more now.

I am sick and tired of buying new scales as one adds ten pounds, one shorts it by two pounds and one jumps up an extra fifteen if you don’t step gently enough, and now my current scale may add 2.5 pounds.

I am sick and tired of being bloated.

I am sick and tired of stepping on the scale, convinced it’s going to be less and it being more.

I am sick and tired of the anger I have at myself for leaving trying to get pregnant at age 31; when every study shows how much harder it is to get pregnant in your thirties.

I am sick and tired of the fear that when I get pregnant I will gain 70 pounds and have to do this journey ALL OVER AGAIN.  (I want a baby more then this fear though, obviously.)  It’s just the thought of doing this again makes me want to go hide under my bed.

Now that venting is out.  I feel a bit better.  I woke up this morning feeling really down.  I was just having a bad day is all.  It was nice to vent that all out, it was very cathartic.

Now I have to remember some good things:

I am excited that I have gone form a size 18 pant to a size 12 sometimes a 10.

I am excited that I have gone from a XL or a XXL top to a medium and sometimes a small.

I am excited when I look at a picture and think, wow, I don’t look so bad.  (I just wish I could see that when I look in a mirror, the mirror still shows me the 205 pound girl, not the 175ish pound girl)

I am excited when I receive a compliment, or someone asks me how much I lost.

I am excited that this year I bought my first pair of regular sizes dressy knee high boots that fitted my calves.  I always had to buy plus sized boots to fit my calves. 

That’s all I got…. Bah. 

Back on the horse yet again!....

Here's two pics of some healthy turkey burgers and low cal jello.  Trying to keep my meals interesting.


Thursday 11 April 2013

Fuck Off and Stay Fucked Off

Recently my husband and I were at one of my family functions.  I offered my husband a plate of fruit; I didn’t hear him when he said no.  I asked him again, thinking he hadn’t heard me.  He responded, slightly exasperated, “I said No”.  To which I replied, rather sarcastically “Easy there, I didn’t hear you.”

Unbeknownst to me, a family member was watching.  I can’t stand this family member on a good day.  She said “OOOohhhh tempers are flying at that end of the table.”  I kept my mouth shut and shot her the dirtiest look.  I don’t think it’s any of her business to comment on my husband’s and my conversation.  For the record, I didn’t think tempers were flying at all.  We weren’t screaming at each other, we were just slightly, and I mean slightly, annoyed with each other.  I think that is perfectly NORMAL with spouses. 

My beef with this is her need to comment on EVERYTHING; RUDE, NASTY NEGATIVE COMMENTS.  And not just to me, to everyone around her.  Things that DO NOT PERTAIN TO HER.  In fact, she was the reason I switched blogs, as she snooped until she found out about my original blog.  I don’t talk about my life around her, as SHE HAS A COMMENT FOR EVERYTHING.   I am friends with her on Facebook, I would love to delete her but she would cause a family war over it.  I have all of my pictures and statuses protected from her seeing, she COMMENTS ON EVERYTHING.  Back handed compliments are her specialty.  If you don't have anything nice to say, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!!!  Recently, Facebook did an upgrade to their Iphone apps, I was not aware that this changed my status and picture settings.  Within a day of this upgrade, I had 6, SIX comments on my stuff from her.  I couldn’t figure out how she was able to see everything.  We call her the Queen of the Refresh Button.  Who has time to stalk everyone’s pages, daily, to find out when settings have been changed????

I feel that every time I am in this person’s presence, she is judging me.  She judges everyone.  Most of her conversations are all about how “awful” so and so is.  I think she is very unhappy with herself.  She also has the bad habit of telling lies and trying to drive wedges between other family members.  The funny thing is, everyone knows what she is like so typically we talk it out with the person she is trying to cause a fight with.  If she had caught me on the wrong day I may have opened my mouth and said something that was VERY TRUE, but I didn’t think needed to be brought up at a family function and ruin everyone’s good time.  It’s funny that I am the only one who worries about ruining everyone’s good time, but she does not.  What I really wanted to say was PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR OWN MARRIAGE.  DO NOT COMMENT ON MINE.  For the record, as I am being catty and venting here in the safety of my own blog: She has caught her husband in the middle of an affair.  She chooses to work it out, which that’s fine.  No marriage is perfect.  But when something clearly isn’t working in yours, do NOT make a mountain out of a mole hill in my marriage, when my husband and I have the slightest of words with each other, she shouldn’t make ANY comment on it.

STAY OUT OF MY FUCKING LIFE.  This would be a prime example of why I will have NOTHING to do with you.  STOP STICKING YOUR NOSE INTO OTHER PEOPLE’s BUSINESS.

These are things I would say if she wasn’t family and my Mom wasn’t terrified it would “rip the family apart”.  Which is funny as that means it gives the obnoxious family member the opportunity to keep on bullying everyone else. 

Fuck off and stay fucked off.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Weigh In Wednesday


Following the blog link up from Erin and Alex!

Last Weigh In: April 3, 2013 – 176 pounds.

Today’s Weight:178.

Starting Weight: September 19th, 2011 - 205 pounds. Down overall 27 pounds.

Operation Baby Making Status (OBM): Not preggers yet. But we have been like bunnies lately ;)

I like to talk about poop.  Today’s Weigh In Wednesday is brought to you by IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and how it’s a pain in my ass.  (Sorry if it's too much information, but it actually I think needs to be mentioned this week!)

I have not pooped since Saturday.  That is four days.  Well, technically I pooped today but it was tiny and not really worth noting.  I am distended.  (I enjoy that word better the bloated, maybe as every fucking time I write a blog entry I am mentioning bloat)  It looks like I have gained twenty pounds but really its two pounds, I am assuming its poop waiting to come out.  I feel as I am quite literally full of shit… however, I have no cramping … yet.   Last night I hate a huge handful of prunes (I actually truly love prunes), oatmeal and I drank my weight in water.  (I always drink about 16 servings of water in a day, yesterday I was up to 22 I believe.) I think that’s why I pooped a bit today.  For breakfast this morning, I had Danone Probiotic yogurt to get things moving. 

When I was first diagnosed with IBS I had just turned 25.  (If you aren't familiar with it, it's not life threatening or anything, jut a major inconvenience.) The first few years of my IBS, I had diarrhea, a lot.  Like every day.  It was not pleasant.  Then in the last year or so, I have had little to no diarrhea flare-ups, now I am experiencing constipation more then anything.  But it’s definitely spread out more then my diarrhea days.  I just would eat a few apples and have some oatmeal and the next day, no problemo.  The last few days are definitely out of the norm for me.  I would hazard a guess it was all of the rich Chinese Food I gorged on last Saturday.

It’s frustrating that I am really good all week, and have one huge cheat meal and I am up two pounds.  I realize poop is involved in this, but still.  So much for my losing weight this week.

Killer Buns and Thighs  will be the death of me.  I do however feel I can see a difference in my thighs and rump already.  And my husband is still doing the Shred with me.  He says he can't see an improvement in himself but I can see it in him.  He looks a bit more toned and his stamina in the workout has definitely improved!  Yay for my workout buddy!

Monday 8 April 2013

Sex, Brownies, Chinese Food Buffet, C25K and Girls

This weekend did not bode well for my countdown to Canada Day weight loss goal.

Friday I was good.  I did my “Killer” Thighs and Buns.  I came in near perfect for calories.  Friday evening I had a “date” night with my hubby.  Just a “sexy” stay in date night.  If you catch my drift.  Operation Baby Making (OBM) has taken up during April.  February we both had bad colds and we were pretty much celibate.  We decided April we would start up OBM.  Here is the thing: I have mentioned before about stopping the pill has upped my horny factor about 10x.  I know I had read the Birth Control Pill (BCP) could hinder one’s sex drive, however, while I was on the BCP, I didn’t really think it was hindering me.  But then I stopped the pill.  Now, every time I look at my husband I want to jump him.  The not having sex during a cold was more his decision as 1. He thought it was mean to have sex with me while I couldn’t breath.  Fair enough, even though I just about begged him.  (Truth be told, I think he might have been grossed out by my snottiness and my talking like a Dude, but he was sweet and pretended that wasn’t it.)  Then he caught my cold and he was very much a man and didn’t move off the couch for two weeks.  Except to go to work.  Anyways.  Back to my overactive sex drive…  Going off the BCP probably had most of the effect of upping my sex drive.  No doubt.  But I am also a bit more confident now that I have shed 30 pounds.  My husband has NEVER made me feel bad about my weight; he has always found me attractive.  But, definitely my own head and lack of self confidence were detrimental on their own.  30-pounds (still a work in progress) but I feel rather, if I dare say, sexy.   I watch my reflection when I walk pass windows and mirrors.  I no longer “scurry” in a shy, mousey manner; I almost strut, for lack of a better term.  This also makes me more carefree in the bedroom, I am not worrying about my rolls as much, which allows me to enjoy everything more… ;)

Friday evening I made these brownies courtesy of the The Londoner.  According to My Fitness Pal, mine came in at 80 calories a piece.  So of course I had to top them with low fat whipped cream.  100 calories!  These are really good and tasty for a low cal chocolaty treat!

Saturday I knew was going to be tough.  We had plans to go to dinner with our friends to a Chinese Food Buffet.  I LOVE Chinese Food.  I knew I was not going to stay within my calorie count.  So I tried my best to be as healthy as possible during the day.  I did my “Killer” and I washed all the floors and vacuumed the whole house.  During the day, my calories were really good.  Then dinner happened.  And Fatty Jes took over.  I knew she would.  I kinda let her do her thing.  I gorged.  However, I can say I had two plates of food versus the three or four I would normally have had.  Plus, I had a big plate of dessert.  So while I wasn’t as Fatty Jes as I normally was, she still came out for a while to party.  (She may have called me a pussy when I had to pack it in; I was filled right up to my throat with food.)  I fear to estimate how many calories I ate, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was close to 4000.  I shudder to think if they were even over that number.  (I am still super bloated today.  At least I am blaming the food as it had better not be my time of the month yet, I just finished that bad boy.)

Sunday I was feeling a little crazy and I attempted Day 1 of Week 1 of C25K.  My dog and I ran/walked around our neighbourhood.  My dog is just as much as a couch potato as I am; she hates walks.  She spends the first half of any walk stopping and trying to drag me backwards towards the house.  The second half, when she realizes we are heading home, she drags me back to the house.  She seemed to like the running parts, probably because she thought it would be over sooner, hahaha.  The running just about killed me.  I do not run.  I sweated crazy more then in a Jillian DVD.  I got back to the house huffing and puffing even more then any hockey game.  My plan for April was to do 30 Jillian workouts.  I missed April 1st, but I did two workouts Wednesday last week to make up for it.  So far, I have done a serious workout everyday.  I may not makeup this missed Jillian, I don’t know yet, as the C25K was a big workout for me.  Still debating this….  When we got home, my husband and I watched Girls for the first time.  I am HOOKED; we watched four episodes in a row.  I wasn’t great with my calories, but I came in under my “maintain” calories of 2100.  And I ran, so I feel that is alright.

Today I am back on track.  I am looking forward/dreading the Potluck this Friday that I am attending.  I love Potluck, and while I may try to make healthy choices, I am not depriving myself of yummy foods.  Fatty Jes will inevitably raise her ugly head, but I will most likely let her.  And then you will all read me bitch and complain the following week, hahaha.

Friday 5 April 2013

Fat to Fit Friday

 I am doing a link up with Jenna, Lori and Marcy.  FAT TO FIT FRIDAY!!!  (I tried to paste in the button but it didn’t work for me!  So click on their names yo!  They are inspiring!!!)

I find I get angry at myself.  I get these bursts of motivation.  Then the motivation wears off.  It can take me days, weeks, even months before I find motivation again.  The motivation comes in any form, and from anywhere.  I don’t pick it, it just happens and the switch flips itself on.  I think I have maintained, for the most part, what I have lost because I have become addicted to working out.  My days do not feel right if I skip a workout.  Food is most definitely my biggest problem.  If I allow myself a treat, a treat becomes a meal, a meal becomes a whole cheat day.  The next day I wake up and say today will be different, and sometimes it is, sometimes I can shake it off.  Sometimes I can’t and I find myself spiraling out of control for days or weeks at a time.   It’s been a year and a half long journey for me and I am still struggling with moderation and portion control.  I can say I am infinitely times better then I was last year, but I still struggle.

It’s taken me a while to learn how much food I need to stay full.  I started aiming for 1200 calories, with a workout; it was NOT NEARLY enough food for me.  I was ravenous.  Ravenous Jes allows room for error.  I would consume 1200 calories for the day and then eat about 2000 calories for an after dinner snack.  I now aim for a NET of 1300 calories.  Planning in advance my meals and keeping track off all the items I put into my mouth.  Some days I am better then others.   

This week I have been motivated.  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, I have been bang on calorie wise and workout wise.  My motivation, this week (I had mentioned it on Tuesday, when I finally got off my lazy arse and did the Fat to Fit Friday Link up) was looking at a photo of a woman, a total stranger, who had lost 145 pounds.  I was at the point this week (hormones and donuts infused to create psychoness) that I thought about forgetting about my last twenty pounds.  To stay at 175ish pounds.  I was like what the hell is wrong with me?!!  I have only lost a total of 30 pounds.  This woman was capable of losing 145 pounds.  She put in the hard work, the time and effort.  I clearly have been slacking.  I workout, but I can’t seem to get my eating back under control.  I get frustrated with bloating that I didn’t have while on the Birth Control Pill (BCP).  It’s frustrating to see a three pound gain over night.  (There is the reverse of that: it’s nice when the bloat finally decides to leave my body, two pounds gone between yesterday and this morning.  Where the hell does it go?!!?  I wanna know.  I didn’t pee anymore then usual yesterday.  TWO pounds of water weight, gone.  And my pants are back to fitting as they were.  I digress….)

I weighed in this morning at 174.5 pounds.  (Yesterday I was up to 176.5)  Wednesday, I was feeling rather full of myself and declared I was going to lose 20 pounds before Canada Day, July 1st.  I WILL do this.  Breaking this 20-pound goal into mini goals is my game plan.

I will be excited for the next few mini goals:

170 pounds 35 pounds lost – 4.5 more pounds
169 pounds 36 pounds lost (NO LONGER OBESE!!! THIS EXCITES ME GREATLY) – 5.5 more pounds
168 pounds 37 pounds lost, but I remember weighing this weight in Grade 6.  When I was 13 years old. – 6.5 more pounds  (This mini goal is both sad and exciting for me.  Sad that I was this weight at 13, I am 5’3” but excited to say I weigh what I did when I was 13.)
165 pounds40 pounds lost – 9.5 more pounds
155 pounds50 pounds lost (This will be my most important milestone, however I have always debated aiming for 145.) – 19.5 more pounds

If these mini goals aren’t motivation I don’t know what is.  I am annoyed with myself, that I was this close to hit these milestones and I was debating packing it in earlier this week.  Even to hit the 165 pound mark, 9.5 pounds, I will hit four major milestones. 

When I break my goal of twenty more pounds down in this mini goal fashion, it doesn’t seem so daunting.  I like working in mini goals, I will succeed.

Thursday 4 April 2013

If you offer someone cheesecake ….

You should maybe warn them if it is a SAVOURY Cheesecake.  Where I am from, cheesecake is a sweet, decadent dessert.  Period.  You can have baked or non-baked; you can have plain cheesecake or fruity or chocolaty or caramelly goodness; you can then have a million options of cheesecake toppings.    

Savoury cheesecake is not the norm for me.  So when someone offers me a piece of cheesecake,  “Do you want a piece of cheesecake?” I assume dessert.  I assume sweet.  I assume NOT BLUE CHEESE.

This little bit of trickery, I truly believe, was not intentional.  As the person who handed it to me left the room before I tried the cheesecake.  The cheesecake was topped with Apricot jam.  I saw the fruit and I thought, plain cheesecake topped with Apricot.  Yum!  WRONG.  I barely got the first bite into my mouth when my taste buds took a football to the groin.  I have been informed it’s still considered a dessert to which I say that’s a blatant lie!

I do not like blue cheese.  I have never liked blue cheese.  I often try things I don’t like periodically just to see if my taste buds have changed and sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t.  Blue cheese is one of those items (along with mushrooms and green beans.  I dunno why, but I still don’t like them) that I still do not like.

The good news is, I was going to go over my calorie count for the day with the cheesecake, as I did not actually eat any of the cheesecake, (I spat it out in a fit of horror) my calories are back on track!

Purse Party Link Up!


Two of my favourite bloggers, Erin and Mel, are doing a Purse Party Link up!

So I have to admit, I removed all Kleenex from my purse.  My purse is always organized, except every morning I pull a handful of Kleenex from a box in my house and shove it in my purse for the day.  My whole life, I have had a perpetually runny nose (not allergies) and my parents’ should have invested in Kleenex stock.  I am not going to lie; there is a good chance that the majority of the Kleenex floating around in my purse was dirty.  I am gross, I know.  So I pulled the dirty Kleenex out as this is a Purse Party Link Up and not a booger party link up.  

This is my giant purse.  This is my work purse as I can shove my lunch bag in it for work.  I rotate through this one and a cross body ADIDAS bag for sporty, weekend stuff.  It’s a Steve Madden. 

I enjoy the leopard print inside, but I wish the purse had a zipper closer, instead of the snap.

Head phones for my Iphone, Gig stick, eyeglasses cleaner, Iphone charger

Five packs of gum (I used to always have one pack of mint and then I rediscovered my love of fruity flavours in the past few months.)  Also, the gum usually floats around on the bottom of the purse, I neatly stacked them for the picture.

My wallet, my little Suduko book (I love this shit), a book (I ALWAYS have a book the go.  BOOKWORM!!!  I am naked without a book on hand.  I am currently catching up “The Story Girl”a Lucy Maud Montgomery book that I didn’t realize I missed growing up.  I have been busy lately, and I think this book has taken me three weeks to read which is unheard of for me but, meh, I am enjoying it!)), my makeup bag and my coupon file.

Coupons (Yes, I am one of those people.  I used to have this accordion file, then I switched to a binder, but that got to be way too cumbersome, so back to the little accordion file.)

Makeup bag (feminine products, toothpaste, nasal spray, tylenol, sinus pills, toothbrush, dental floss, mascara, lip balm, tweezers, the kitchen sink, etc…)

Hand sanitizer, Betsey Johnson sunglasses, lip-gloss, hand lotion

And of course my Iphone but I used that to take the pictures.  I don’t have an Ipod, I use my Iphone for all of my music.

True story, I once sprained my wrist trying to wrestle my purse out of my car.  Also true story, last year I face planted off the top of my front step (five steps high on to the concrete sidewalk) on my way to work adjusting my purse on my shoulder (I was also wearing really tall wedges.)  The sad part was two of my neighbours were outside and watched me fall and neither one came over to see if I was all right.  Bastardos!  I banged my knees and wrists up.  Moral of both stories, giant purses can be a hazard.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Weigh-in Wednesday


Following the blog link up from Erin and Alex!

Last Weigh In: March 27, 2013 – 176 pounds.

Today’s Weight:176, Not going to beat myself up, hopefully last day of TOM and STILL Bloated like a beached whale.

Starting Weight: September 19th, 2011 - 205 pounds. Down overall 29 pounds.

Operation Baby Making Status (OBM): Not preggers yet. Once Aunt Flo hits the road, we will start “not-not trying” again.

My body is still changing after coming off the Birth Control Pill (BCP) in January.  Last week I was super bloated and spotting.  Saturday, Sunday and Monday I was full on Aunt Flo, yesterday and today it is tapering off .  I am still crazy bloated and my face looks like pizza.  Oh, the joys of being a hormonal woman.  I thought I would mention this stuff for Operation Baby Making (OBM) as I noticed, while asking people questions, that no one talks about coming off the BCP and the changes that your body may experience.  The bloating is the worse.  I am bloated; it seems like, 3 weeks a month: a week before, a week during and almost a week after my TOM. 

I caught up my Easter weekend with my Fat to Fit Tuesday Friday entry that you can read here:  Fat to Fit TuesdayFriday.  Funny thing about this entry, I was surprised by the number of hits that I got.  I was like; gee, my boring Easter weekend wasn’t that exciting.  Then I realized most of my hits were coming from a movie website so I am assuming my entry was coming up in a search due to the movie I referenced…?  

Yesterday was successful in food and workout.  My husband had his first taste of Jillian’s 30-Day Shred, he repeatedly told her to shut up after each move, and it was humourous.  April will be 30 Days of Jillian, as I suck and missed April 1st, May 1st will make up the 30th day.  May 2nd will be a rest day and May 3rd is the start of summer hockey.  I asked my husband last night how many evenings he wants to workout in the evening so I can plan on the days he wants to rest to workout in the mornings instead, he surprised me that he wants to workout  Monday to Friday.  I am very proud of him to want to make a lifestyle change and I am excited to have a full time workout buddy, not just a sporadic one.  I am hoping to do the 30-Day Shred with my husband on week nights and do Killer Buns and Thighs “Killer” on weekends and “some” mornings when I want an extra workout.  For instance, this morning I did “Killer” and I will do 30-Day Shred when I get home tonight.  I am hoping to get as many additional “Killer” workouts in before my hockey gala in a last kick at the can before my hockey gala. 

So yesterday, I decided to attempt to lose my last twenty pounds by July 1st, which is Canada Day.  I was debating coming up with a snazzy catch phrase for it like “Operation Red Bikini” (which is super cute by the way, just I don’t think I am hitting that goal this year.)  But I didn’t want anything that would get me red flagged by some Big Brother agency.  (I didn’t even want to put my ideas in this paragraph, hahaha I am neurotic) I can just imagine them spying on my blog and be like “This chick is just trying to get knocked up and shed some fat off her arse.”  So I am just going with “Countdown to Canada Day”  I have slightly less then 13 weeks.  I think hope I WILL attain this 20 pounds in 13 weeks goal.  My thought also being, by July if Operation Baby Making hasn’t happened by then, we will be officially “trying” and not just “not-not trying”.  I know the statistics and the facts; a healthier body weight will help make getting pregnant easier, and be way healthier for me and the baby if/when I get pregnant.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Fat to Fit Friday

Fat to Fit Tuesday Friday 

 I am doing a link up with Jenna, Lori and Marcy.  FAT TO FIT FRIDAY!!!  (I tried to paste in the button but it didn’t work for me!  So click on their names yo!  They are inspiring!!!) I must be drunk cause this is the second time I couldn't make it work, hahaha. 

I am a few days late!  (Not Aunt Flo wise though, as that bitch is here this week with all her water weight and other joyful baggage.) 

I used a vacation day yesterday to have a four-day weekend with my hubby.  Let’s recap:

Friday we were awesome food wise and we went for a long walk along the river with our dog, we were healthy and I was feeling pretty good.  

Egret, kinda rare in our area

Saturday we were bang on food wise.  We watched Harold and Kumar's Christmas in the afternoon.  Funny, but I became very aware of how sad Christmas will be without my Uncle this year.  In the evening we had hockey.  It was the last game of the winter season and my team played in the gold medal game.  We ended up “winning” silver.  We tied the game and lost in a shoot out.  Oh well, I sweated and had fun so that hit up my two major goals.

Little Silver cup, I fill you up, proceed to partAAA!!

Sunday I was able to eat chips and chocolate again.  I had a few chips and really, they didn’t do anything for me.  Disappointing.  My Mom cooked a huge Easter feast and I ate a lot of veggies and I skipped dessert as fake banana pudding makes me gag. 

Monday we went for a “walk” in my cute little hometown.  I went home and said to my husband, I should have worked out this morning (My plan was to do the 30 Day Shred every day in April.)  He replied, why? “We walked around.”  It’s not like we were power walking, we lazily, sauntered along and ate donuts and British treats.  I think we ended up pretty high calorie wise.

If I ever braved it on a plane and made it to England, I would spend all my time in their Convenience stores eating candy.

My plan was every day in April I was going to do the 30 Day Shred in the evenings with my husband and do Jillian’s Killer Buns and Thighs in the morning (not every morning, but most mornings if time permitted.)  It’s April and it’s time to get my ass in gear.  I hate to give myself a timeframe, but I need some added discipline.  I am going to try and lose these twenty pounds before July 1st.  That gives me almost 13 weeks.  That’s 1.538 pounds a week.  In theory, this seems atatinable, but I gotta keep at it and not slip… much….  And announcing it to blog-land makes me have to stay on track.  As yesterday resulted in a lazy walk, I am down a workout for April, bah.  I was hoping to be bang on for the 30 days.  Oh well, TODAY IS A NEW DAY!!!  Summer hockey starts back up in May, so I have 30 days of workouts to come up with that aren’t hockey related. 

My hockey league has a huge gala on April 19th.  We all get dressed up like it’s prom, we get awards, stuff our faces with pasta and have a shit ton few drinks.  Sidenote: If you are a male bar tender and a group of four drunken women and their male hockey coach, also drunk, ask to pick you up for a photo, think twice…   Anyways, I bought my dress, it’s gray and Alfred Sung (I bought it a second hand shop) and it fits perfect, but I want to make sure I am feeling really good in the dress, so back to healthy eating up until April 19th!

Not to toot my own horn, but this is the best my legs have ever looked, EVER.  Still need some work, obviously, but I am proud of them so far.

Motivation:  I LOVE looking at people’s success photos, their before and after photos are so inspiring.   I saw a woman this morning, who’s hard work and dedication resulted in a 145 pound weight loss.  And here I am stuffing my face with donuts and British chips, angrily thinking I might pack in my last 20 pounds weight loss goal. 

I CAN DO THIS.  I WILL GET THESE TWENTY POUNDS OFF.  And not take a year and a half to do it. 

July 1st.  Canada Day.  I will be down an additional 20 pounds, and be down 50 pounds overall.  (Er… baby permitting…  Funniest part of Harold and Kumar's Christmas "Fuck a baby into me!"  I already told my husband I will be telling him that.  Oh and I bought a bunch of fun toy stuff for making baby making more fun as I am worried I am going to make my husband feel like it's a chore, hahahaha  Oh well, suck it up buddy.)