Wednesday 20 March 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday


Following the blog link up from Erin and Alex!

Last Weigh In: March 13, 2013 – 174 pounds.

Today’s Weight:174, No change.

Starting Weight: September 19th, 2011 - 205 pounds. Down overall 31 pounds.(35 here I come!)

Operation Baby Making Status (OBM): Not preggers yet. (Not trying until April)

So I am not going to lie, I tried a fad diet two days this week. I tried it once before just before I got married and lost 8 pounds in one week. Seriously. I say fad diet as it obviously wont be a way I would live the rest of my life. It’s a veggie soup for the whole week and Day 1 eat as much fruit and soup as you like. Day 2 all the veggies and soup you can eat. Day 3 all the fruit, veggies and soup you can eat. Etc… So you aren’t to ever “feel” hungry as you are stuffing you face with produce. I thought about giving myself a kick in the pants with it, but lets be frank, I was doing pretty good with my clean eating as it was.

BUT I should add, the first time I tried this diet, I was at my least healthiest, I was not eating healthy nor exercising AT ALL. So my body was probably like “Whoa! Nelly! Where’s the food you usually stuff me with?” This time the results weren’t working as well and my thought is that I have been eating so well lately that my body was like, “Meh, this isn’t much different then you normally eat, but where’s the beef?” (Sorry I had to, but all joking aside my body was like, dude, I need something a bit more substantial, I need protein.)

So I lost .5 pound in 2 days and really this was .5 pounds I had disappear last week. (I am back up that .5 now, bah.) I was ravenous and I wanted real food. I gave up. I am not embarrassed that I gave up on it; I am more embarrassed that I attempted a fad diet to begin with. I am going to continue eating healthy and working out as I was, but not as strict as the soup diet. Cutting out the junk food seems to have helped huge. I have stuck to the no candy, chips, baked goods or deep fried crap every day since Ash Wednesday. Now I just have a week and a half until Easter.


Sunday I started the 30-Day Shred for the second time. When I first started the “Shred” it was last April. I did not watch the Biggest Loser but I had stumbled across a weight loss community that was showing off their Shred results. I was sold. I ordered my DVD that day. I started the Shred and I was hooked. Thus starting my love affair with Jillian (This past season of the biggest loser was my first season watching ever, I LOVED every minute of it, Monday night's finale had me in tears, I was so happy for Danni!) NSV: The first time I did the Shred, I lost more inches doing a month of the Shred then I did with three months of going to Curves. NSV:  The first time I did the Shred I had to stop after each little exercise and try to breathe for 5 seconds (sometimes longer), this time around I stopped once for the whole thirty minutes on Sunday and Monday I stopped twice. I am impressed as I can see that means I have increased my endurance, meaning I must be getting stronger and am in better shape. I truly think I am in the best shape I have ever been in. I am not nearly at my goal weight or in the world’s greatest shape by any means, but for me, in the whole history of me, I am in the best shape I have ever been in.

Without sounding cocky, that’s pretty awesome!

NSV:  These jeans I bought back in January, I could do them up but they didn't fit per see.  NOW THEY DO!!!!  Pardon my saggy ladies, I didn't realize until this photo how  low they are hanging now, jeezz, they will be to my knees soon.

Baked apple, with cinnamon, oats and fat free vanilla yogurt

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  1. I love that you are more embarrassed about doing a fad diet than quitting it! They can be great for a jump start, but like you said, most of them work because you are shocking your body.

    Way to go with the Shred! I love that workout, its given me better results than anything else. I think I'm going to do it again in April!


    1. Thank you :) I think the Shred has given me the best results of any of Jillian's videos, but I love them all :)

  2. This is too weird. I actually just thought about making some of the soup last night because I was craving vegetables. And momentarily considered that "diet" to try to get off these last few pounds. I've cabbage souped it before too. I actually love the soup but can never stick to the diet. I might make the soup but NOT doing the diet. Thanks for the confirmation on that.

    1. It may work better for you then me. I don't mind the soup so much, and as I had so much of it I used some in my meatloaf and stuffed peppers instead of just plain tomatoes :)

  3. Heck yeah, get it girl! Even if you're not at the perfect weight, that totally doesn't matter. Being in the best shape you've ever been in definitely deserves being dang proud of!!

    1. Thank you! :) I always feel like everyone,especially me, are so hard on ourselves. I have to remember to take time to pat myself on the back for what has happened so far. :)

  4. I wouldn't admit it out loud but I did that diet once when I was in high school. I was stupid and it was stupid and I became so sick of the soup I can't even think about it now or I get nauseous. I don't do fad diets ever now but I did for a while. What a racket aha.

    Be happy with your maintenance - next week will be a loss, I can feel it :)

  5. My parents did that diet and made me do it last year. It was crap. Espicaly being at college!! Congrats on all your NSV!!

    1. It's not so bad the first day of the soup but by the third day I was gagging on it, hahaha. Doing it in college would suck huge! Thank you! :)

  6. New follower from WIW link up :)

    I have tried many a fad diet, but never the veggie soup diet lol. I have found that they don't work, but man they are tempting to try! You will do awesome next week!

    Operation Skinny Jeans

    1. Yay! Welcome!

      I feel fad diets don't usually work as well, that's why I was annoyed with myself for having tried it,hahaha. Thank you!

  7. Those jeans look great on you! I love it when I can fit into my jeans that were too tight before. :) ... I'm working on that with some of my jeans right now, actually! haha
