Tuesday 26 March 2013

Jake and Holly's Finish the sentence link up


1. If calories didn't count, I would eat... Potato chips, cake, and chocolate ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, FOR EVERY DAMNED MEAL.  And Big Macs.  Due to my soya bean oil allergy, I haven’t had McDonald’s in over seven years.  Bah.  I still crave them.

2. On my Prom night....  I went single with a bunch of friends.  I rented a cheap motel room with some girls I had known since Junior Kindergarten.  It was a lot of fun.  A random guy from school ended up sleeping/keeping me up all night long (not in a dirty way, get your minds outta the gutters) by snoring like a train all night.  I “woke up” with makeup smeared ALL over my face and had not brought any makeup remover or face soap as I hadn’t initially planned spending the night.  I wore sunglasses in the morning as the cheap ass, disgusting motel we were in HAD NO SOAP.  And my makeup was caked on, water did nothing to help.  But it was a lot of fun. 

3. When I go to the store, I always buy... Milk.  My husband and I got through three full 4L bags of Skim Milk in a week and a half.  (I just found out recently you can’t get milk in bags in the USA.  So to my American friends, think three 1 Gallons jugs of milk!)  We LOVE milk. 

(You get a large bag that holds, three of the bags that you slide into a "jug".  The weight of the bag and the condensation, holds the bag in the jug as you pour.) 

4. Family functions typically... before my Uncle G passed they were the greatest times I ever spent.  We all laughed until our stomachs ached.  (The stomachaches might also have had to do with all of the yummy foods we gorged on.)

5. I think my blog readers... are AWESOME!!!  Especially the ones who comment, I am terrible at commenting, but please rest assured, I read all your blogs too!!  And I love them all!

6. I'd much rather be..... at home and in bed watching my Laguna Beach DVDs and eating Ruffles Sour Cream and Onion Chips.  (No chips until Easter!  I have gone 42 days without any potato chips!)

7. I have an obsession with.... Pepperidge Farm Savoury Multi Grain Cracker Chips.  So freaking good.  And Jillian Michaels, I love her and hate her.

8. My work friends.... a few.  After being burnt a few times with either rats or people who leave and drop off the face of the earth, I try to just go about my business, less drama that way.  Also, if you snap gum in the office, you deserve a high five to the face, with a stapler. 

9. When I created my Facebook account.... I assumed it was going to be like MySpace and I would be bored with in the month.  That was 6 years ago and I am still addicted.

10. My least favorite word is... “Relax” Don’t tell me to relax or I will punch you in the fucking face.  Condescending asshole.  (I have issues, don’t piss me off.)

11. I really don't remember....  anything lately.  I am always wandering around aimlessly trying to remember what I got up for.  I retrace my steps all the time in a weak effort to get my brain moving.

12. Justin Bieber.... I couldn’t care less.  Actually, that’s not true, I find him so annoying I race to grab the remote to change the channel anytime I see him on TV.

On to other news, my hockey team made the CHAMPIONSHIP GAME!!!  We are playing for the GOLD baby!!!  I am so excited!!!  And thanks to my IBS, every damn time I think off the game this Saturday, I have to poop.  EVERYTIME.  Not so fun.

Oh and as I must be sadistic, I bought Jillian Michaels' Killer Buns and Thighs DVD.  I love/hate that sadistic bitch.


  1. haha! bags of milk? How does that work? I need a picture of this. Also, where are you from??

    1. Hi KellyAnne! I am from Ontario, Canada. I just added some pics to this blog entry to demonstrate. I didn't know until a few months ago talking to a friend from the states,she said that you guys don't have bags of milk. She thought it was funny we had milk in bags, which is funny as we grew up with it so we assumed everyone did, haha. We also have milk in cartons, but 2 Litres, which I guess is half a gallon for you guys. :)

  2. I love that about "relax.." it's so stupid for someone to say that when all you want to do is punch them in the face...thanks for linking up!
