Wednesday 13 March 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday


As last Wednesday, I was at the visitation for my Uncle G’s passing (You can read about that here.) I didn’t have time to participate with Weigh-In Wednesday. 

Following the blog link up from Erin and Alex!

Last Weigh In: February 28, 2013 – 175.5 pounds.

Today’s Weight:174, Down 1.5 pounds in two weeks!  (Yesterday I was 173.5, bah.)

Starting Weight: September 19th, 2011 - 205 pounds.  Down overall 31 pounds.(35 here I come!)

Operation Baby Making Status (OBM): Not preggers yet. (Not trying until April)

So let’s recap this past week.

Wednesday was my Uncle’s visitation.  To take the edge off my nerves, I did my Shred It in the morning.  Yes.  Me.  Of all people.  I used exercised to blow off some steam.  I never thought there would come a day.  Wednesday I ate all right, I hit my net 1450 calories.  I was at the funeral home in the afternoon and the evening so I really didn’t have food around me to snack mindlessly on.

Thursday, was my Uncle’s funeral.  Again, to help with my nerves, I did my Shred It in the morning.  It felt weird to do so, but I am glad I did it.  For a half an hour, I thought of nothing but the weight in my hand and Jillian’s voice.  Eating was all right.  I hit my 1450 net calories.  (This was my 30th Shred It workout.  I am now planning on starting the 30 Day Shred again.)  I went home emotionally and physically exhausted.

Friday, was my rest day, but I walked for a half hour on my lunch break.  I hit my 1450 net calories again.

Saturday, I had hockey, it was an intense game.  Before the game, I hit my 1450 net, but I was starving afterwards so I had some eggs and toast.  So while I went over, it was a healthy-ish food and I decided to listen to my body.

Sunday, was also a rest day.  I started to have a really bad sore throat earlier this week and by Sunday afternoon I was out on the couch with a fever and the chills.  No fun.  I think I ate around 2000 calories, which isn’t great but it was still in my maintain range.

Monday, I was suppose to workout, but my bad cold had kicked my ass.  I was passed out in my bed for most of the day.  Calorie wise, I think I ate 1450.  No work out.  Unless you count my coughing and nose blowing. 

Tuesday, I was going to workout but I am exhausted and I am still feeling this cold.  I ate 1450 calories with no workout.  When I am sick, I like to listen to my body.  For dinner last night, I threw some cabbage on a fajita with some chicken, salsa and fat free sour cream.  Yum!  I love cabbage!  (I really do!)

I am “hoping” to start the “30-Day Shred” again this week.  I used “The Shred” (As I call it) twice last year, it was the first of Jillian’s workouts that I purchased.  This was the DVD that I fell in love with her.  My husband will participate with me.  I love having him as a workout buddy.  I am excited for him to try the 30 Day Shred and see what he thinks.  I pretty much threw him into Shred It with Weights the Level 2 workout (I had already completed Level 1 when he decided to try the DVD).  I am excited for him to try a DVD as Jillian meant it, starting with Level 1.   

If all goes according to plan, we shall be doing “The Shred” five times a week, hockey one day a week and one rest day.  Perhaps this is a bit ambitious as the last two months I have been utilizing two rest days a week, but I will give it a whirl and I will listen to my body if it requests an extra rest day.

So far I think my giving up junk food for Lent has been very beneficial.  Too often, I would sit down with a small bag of chips or chocolate and gorge, thinking “oh, it’s just a small treat.”  The thing is, I was doing this on a pretty regular basis, like I am talking daily here people.   While I would come in with my calorie goals, part of my calories were wasted on crap.  I think I am seeing the movement due to the junk food being eliminated.  I needed some structure as I was vastly turning my eating habits into a free for all.  My husband and I were talking that after Lent, we will enjoy some treats on Easter Sunday, but then we will go to a treat maybe once every two weeks, or maybe once a month.  To keep help keep us on track.

If you recall, Ash Wednesday I had a melt down as I weighed in at 180 pounds, having gained back five of my pounds I worked so hard to lose.  Since giving up the junk for Lent, I am down 6 pounds since Ash Wednesday, that was only four weeks ago!  Not bad for plateauing and then gaining since November!  

Mini goals: I like to work in 5 pound mini goals, it makes the overall task less daunting.  I can't wait to hit the 35 pounds lost mark!  I have been dancing around the 30 mark for ever.  I can't wait to hit the 160's, more specifically the 168 mark.  I have not been 168 pounds since grade six.  I remember I gained a lot over the summer from grade 5 to grade 6 and being super embarrassed to be 12 years old and weighing 168 pounds, I wish I was there now!  Plus it's sort of sad but kind of exciting that I will be at my 12 year old weight!  Sad no?  But exciting yes!

NSV: This sweater is a size small!   I know it's a wee bit snug but I had pyjama bottoms on with the shirt so it didn't suck my rolls in as well as a pair of dress pants do.  I swear it looks good with dress pants!   I am 174 pounds and I don't recall wearing a women's size small, EVER.  (Except for a cardigan I bought back in January!)  I am also in a size 10 pants, which I have no recollection wearing a size ten, EVER.  I remember being in grade six and my Mom buying me a pair of size 13 shorts and my older sister making a snide remark that she won't be able to borrow them as she is a size 6.  


  1. Sorry about your uncle but great job keeping the scale moving :D

    katie @

  2. Just found you through the link up. Just by reading your profile and today's post it sounds like we have a lot in common, even Harry Potter, LOL.

    Sorry to hear about your uncle, I would have emotionally ate my way out of that.

    You have a great plan ahead. I do 5lb goals too. Especially since I'm nearing my goal weight, it is so much harder to get it off! Hope you feel better and can start The Shred soon!


    1. Yay for Harry Potter fans :D

      Thank you, it was very tempting, I would have been diving into junk food, but I made the agreement with my hubby neiter one of us would each junk food until Easter so I didn't want to let down my part of the bargain :)

  3. I love the 5 pound goal idea! I am so worried about the BIG picture and I get frustraited that I am not getting there fast enough. 5 pounds is for sure an easier goal to go for. Thanks for the tip!

    1. You're welcome! Five pounds is far less intimidating!! :)

  4. I'm so so proud of you girl. :) :) I will be still praying for you and everyone!!
