Thursday 28 February 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday ... a day late!


Following the blog link up from Erin and Alex!

Last Weigh In: February 20, 2013 – 175.5 pounds.

Yesterday’s Weight: 175.5 pounds. No change!  

Starting Weight: September 19th, 2011 - 205 pounds.  Down overall 29.5 pounds.

Operation Baby Making Status (OBM): Not preggers yet. (Not trying until April)

I know I am behind by a day.  I meant to post yesterday but things got hectic.

I am going to start with the most important, it’s serious and non-weight related:

My Uncle G is really struggling.  His surgery, while successful initially, has not helped him as the doctors had hoped.  He is 100% on the respirator.  He is unresponsive, but he has brain activity.  They are currently trying dialysis and after that, they don’t know what else they can do.  They have currently given him a 10% chance of survival.  It sucks huge.  Our extended family has been rotating visiting with his immediate family.  We want to be there for our Aunt and cousins, as much as we want to be there for him.  10% is still better then nothing; we have faith, hope and are being optimistic.  As my cousin put, people win the lottery every day and those are lower odds.  If you could include my Uncle in your prayers, it would be much appreciated.

From this experience, I am seeing first hand how precious life really, truly is.  (I always knew it, but to see it in this manner is a real wake up call.)  I am going to make a pledge, here and now, I am going to live life to its fullestI am going to be as positive of a person as I can be.   So often, we wallow in negativity, anger, hatred, self-pity, and self-loathing.  Today this stops.  Starting today, I am going to love myself.  I will no longer beat myself up.  Somebody else out there is suffering/struggling more then me.  I have to be grateful for what I have.  I am going to try to live my life happy, positive and to it’s fullest.  I am going to laugh more.  (My Uncle G loves to crack jokes and laugh, he’s so funny my Mom says he can make a dog laugh.) I am going to spend as much time as I can with my family and friends.  I am kicking negative sources to the curb and surrounding myself with positivity and love.  My grandfather, who is such an inspiration to me, is so positive, he doesn’t look at the glass half full, it’s ALWAYS full.  He is hands down the happiest person I know.  I want to be like that.  When times get rough, I will try to find a bright side: inspiration, motivation, some way to be better for my loved ones and myself.  I want to be there for my family.  I am telling everyone I love them and I am becoming a hugging machine.  

I don’t want to look back on my life and feel that I wasted my time, and there is no day like today, to make this change.  This pledge, while not weight related I feel is overall health related.  I am going to be the healthiest, happiest person I can be: inside AND out.

Back to Weight:

I know I gained a little bit over the weekend, and this week I went back down.  So even though I was the same from Wednesday to Wednesday, in between I went up two and back down two pounds.  But I feel good!

I am also bloated.  Anyone else tired of hearing me say that?  I am!  Hahaha.  But seriously, it’s that TOM so I am bloated.  I feel it’s worth mentioning as I would love to know if I am back up a couple of pounds due to bloating. 

I feel I did really well this week, even though the scale technically doesn’t reflect it.  We worked out consistently and I have had My Fitness Pal glued to my hand all week long.  I have done really well, and I am very proud of my food choices.  I netted anywhere from 1200 to 1450 calories a day, which is good as I was aiming for a net of 1450.  I have been doing really well with giving up my junk food addictions for Lent.  I haven’t had any insatiable cravings.  Any time I have a bit of a salt craving come up, I guzzle a large glass of water and then I count out my 20 Pepperidge Farm Crackers and eat those, at 90 calories, they taste really good!

Pepperidge Farm Cracker Chips - Savoury Multi-Grain Yum!

Lots of healthy food prep!  Cooked these up a head of time and then froze them for future quick meals!  Broccoli, carrots, and Brussels Sprouts!
Taste the Rainbow!  Lots of healthy groceries this week!

Homemade turkey burgers. Approx. 300 calories. (300 for the whole thing. Burger with bun and low fat laughing cow cheese and veggies. ) Turned out really good and tasty and they were surprisingly very moist.

Fruit and fat free yogurt parfait. Yum!
Fruit Smoothies!
March it’s game on.  First off, I will be weaning myself off diet pop (soda for my American friends).  I am usually a one pop a day kind of girl, sometimes I splurge and have two.  This week I am solely having one can a day.  Next week will be half a can, then a full week of no pop what so ever.  March, when we finish Shred It, we are going back to 30 Day Shred: 5 days a week. Friday will be a rest day.  Saturday will be Hockey.  April will be Ripped in 30 and then May we will be back to Shred It with Weights, unless I break down and buy another Jillian DVD between now and then.  March I am going to attempt a week of a soup diet that my doctor gave me.  You eat as much as you want of this vegetable soup and eat tons of fruit and veggies in addition.  Gradually you add beef to the mix.  It’s sort of a vegan meets paleo type of thing.  You do this for a week at a time.  I did this before I got married and I lost 8 pounds in a week.  Essentially, it’s very clean eating.

My husband started Jillian’s Shred It with Weights with me.  He cracks me up.  By the third circuit, as he is huffing and puffing, he is telling Jillian to “Shut UP”  Hahaha.  Mostly when I curse Jillian in it’s in my head, but he’s just about yelling at the TV.  Hahahahaha.  I love having him as a workout buddy, misery loves company!  Plus, I like that he has made a healthy choice, I want him around as long as humanly possibly.

Thursday 21 February 2013

My Uncle's Surgery and my hormones outta whack ... again

I can’t thank you all enough for your thoughts and prayers for my Uncle.

After I posted my blog entry I received a phone call from my Mom, my Uncle was being rushed into surgery.  The CDiff had destroyed his colon and his waste was sitting in his colon with no where to go, they had to remove his colon.  The doctors feared for the inevitable septic shock and surgery was the only option.  His white blood cell count is at zero because of the chemo and he was fighting off another infection, so he had a 50/50 chance of surviving his surgery.  Thank God he did!  I think it was all the prayers from all over that helped.  Plus, he is a fighter.  And our whole family was there, my aunts and uncles and my cousins; family is a powerful support.  At one point a nurse had to come into the room we were sitting and asked us to keep it down as we were disturbing other patients on the floor.  We didn’t mean to!  I swear!  It’s just when we all get together we are a loud, laughing bunch.  I think laughing is a cure all.  My cousin, (who’s Dad was the one in surgery) said she thought that us laughing and joking was sending him positive vibes.  She also said her Dad wouldn’t have it any other way, he would have preferred us to laugh and talk about him instead of all be crying.  (There were still a lot of tears.)  Nothing was greater then seeing the surgeon walk in and update us on his surgery and how it went.  He lost a lot of blood, but he did well.

I missed my workout yesterday (which is understandable.)  We got home late last night, and I am dead tired today.  For some reason I started my period today which it wasn’t expected until NEXT Thursday.  Bah.  I don’t know if it’s stress, or lack of sleep brought it on, but I am disappointed, I totally thought I was back to being like clock work.

I am not going to lie, I am ravenous for junk food today.  I think it is the hormones and stress and tiredness.  I was doing so good too.  MUST NOT EAT JUNKFOOD.  I am on day 8 of 40 days without junk food, I was doing so good!!!  Bah!

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday and my Uncle G


Following the blog link up from Erin and Alex!

Last Weigh In: February 13, 2013 – 180 pounds.

Today’s Weight: 175.5 pounds. Down 4.5 pounds  

Starting Weight: September 19th, 2011 - 205 pounds.  Down overall 29.5 pounds.

Operation Baby Making Status (OBM): Not preggers yet. (Not trying until April)

4.5 pounds!  I think the bloat may have finally left the building!!!  Plus my eating has been bang on perfect lately.  Last Wednesday if you recall, I had my melt down and decided to give up junk food for Lent.  40 days.  No potato chips, French fries, no donuts, no cookies, cupcakes, cake, no candies and NO CHOCOLATE BARS!!!  (Eghad!)  So far it’s been 7 days and I haven’t had any cravings.  Truth be told I wasn’t giving up these foods for the religious aspect, but decided to tie them in as a way to be healthy. 

I have upped my calories a bit to 1600 net.  I was aiming for 1200 net and I always seemed to fail and go way over that.  And then I would beat myself up and then just say fuck it, and eat more.  I have increased my protein HUGE.  Every day for breakfast I have a protein shake and two protein balls.  Lunch I have been trying to eat my egg salad I mentioned below.  Very little mayo and I pulverized the shit out of the eggs in the food processor.  My snacks usually are nuts counted out in MODERATION!  One bad thing about nuts is it can stump me up.  I try to eat lots of green apples and oats to keep things moving but I had to have a Senokot last night as I was pretty plugged up.  (It’s an all natural stool softener.  Yes, I am an old woman now, hahahahaha)  It doesn’t give you the shits, it gives you a nice firm poop.  It just gets the poop moving when you are doubled over in cramps from not pooping for a few days.  (I warned you at the blog that I like to talk about poop!  You were warned!!!  Hahahaha)

Faux Banana Split - banana, fat free vanilla yogurt (100g), crushed almonds (7), a few chocolate chips and 4 tbs of fat free whipped cream - Approx 250 calories!!!  Yum!

My working out has been bang on too:

Wednesday – Shred It
Thursday – Rest Day
Friday – Shred It
Saturday – Hockey (It was an INTENSE game!  My tshirt was sopping wet, Sweaty Jes sweats like a 400-pound linebacker!  I could have wrung my t-shirt out, that’s how I know I had a good workout!)
Sunday – We got hammered with more snow so I shoveled, according to MFP, I burnt almost as many calories shoveling as I do for Shred It!
Monday – Rest Day (But I went shopping and walked around for a few hours, so it was a gentle workout)
Tuesday – My husband officially tried Shred It with me.  I looked over at him at one point and his eyes were bulging out of his head.  He was like “Holy Shit.”  He was impressed with the workout and said he would do it with me three times a week!  Yeah!  I like have a built in workout buddy.

So now to some serious news. 

My Uncle G was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma last November on his birthday (He is only in his mid fifties!).  Stage 3.  Since then the poor man has suffered with pneumonia, then he had a blood infection, then he caught C-Diff and finally when that all cleared up, he has now developed another infection of sorts.  He was listed as critical condition last night; the doctors told his family that the next 24 hours were touch and go.  My husband and I were just finishing our workout and were getting ready to eat when my Mom called with the update; everyone was heading up to the hospital to be with my Aunt and cousins.  I was a little shaky after the workout and after I received that phone call, I was shaking so bad.  My husband offered to drive me out there and I took him up on it.  My Mom’s family is REALLY close.  She is the oldest of five kids and I grew up VERY close to all of my aunts, uncles and cousins.  My Uncle G and his kids are the family members I am probably closest too, they are ALWAYS there for us, and ALWAYS make time for the family.  Uncle G could make a dog laugh; he is so naturally funny and has such a positive outlook on life, he is a very loving and giving person and would give you the shirt off his back if he could.  To see him and his family have to go through this is heart breaking.

When we arrived my uncle was sedated and wasn’t responsive to us.  I was surprised they let us in to see him, but we got to go in two at a time.  We had to dress in gowns, facemasks and gloves.  My Mom went in with her little sister.  When they came back, my Dad and I went in together.  My Dad really loves his brothers-in-laws.  My Dad had two siblings who died as babies so he was raised an only child.  His brothers-in laws have always accepted him as their brother, and my Dad has always viewed them as his brothers.  I am glad I got to see my Uncle G, even if he was sleeping.  We were told one of his lungs is filled with fluid and his other lung has two blood clots in it.  (Seriously, this poor guy can’t catch a break.)

My cousins and my Aunt had been sent away for a couple of hours so the nurses could clean the room.  When my Aunt and cousins returned, they got off the elevator to see the whole lot of us, all of their aunts, uncles and cousins.  I am glad we were there for them, as hard as it is for us, I can’t even imagine how hard it is for them.  I am glad we got to see their faces light up: for them to see their whole family, to know they are loved and not alone.  So as useless as I felt standing around, at least that is something I know we helped with.  I am glad we got to be there for our Aunt and our cousins and I am glad we got to be there for my Uncle, even though he was sleeping.  Then in our family’s typical fashion, we stood around, we told stories, we laughed, we joked around.  My Uncle G would have totally been doing the same if he were awake. 

This morning my Mom called the hospital for an update and my cousin said there has been no change in his condition.  Not worse, not better.  So we are going to look at that as a good thing.

If you have a moment to send a positive thought or a prayer to my Uncle G, I would be very grateful!    

Friday 15 February 2013

What's in My Fridge


What's in yo' fridge?!  Link up with Holly from THESTANFIELDCLAN.COM

Our Fridge!  Pop, Brita Water, Juice, Crystal Light in Jugs and LOTS of Skim Milk (My husband and I got through 3 x 4L bags of milk in a week and a half.  We love milk.) Yogurt, lots of cheese, lots of fruit and veggies.
Fridge door: Condiments.  The brown bottle on the bottom shelf second in from the right that looks like a whiskey bottle, is Smokin Stampede Beer and Chipolte BBQ Sauce, we put that shit on/in everything.  So fucking good.
Freezer on top of fridge (we also have a deep freeze freezer in the basement that keeps all our meat and stuff)  The upstairs freezer keeps our leftovers, a few frozen dinners, frozen fruit and yogurt for smoothies.  I freeze EVERYTHING.  I hate wasting food and throwing shit out.  Almost expire yogurt and fruit all get frozen for baking, cooking, or smoothies.
Freezer door - This picture sucks, we keep nuts and bagels on the top shelf, the bottom shelf is for ice packs and usually a full loaf of bread.
I have tried to re-evaluate the shit I eat.  No crap food for Lent.  I needed to find some better ideas for meals, and uping my protein as I am a mad woman latey, shoveling anything edible in reach in my pie hole. 

I tried to be proactive and I cooked up some Spaghetti squash to have as "pasta" one night.  Smelt good!  I froze that bad boy.

In an effort to eat more protein I cooked some eggs for egg salad sandwiches.  I HATE the texture of egg whites, so I pulverized the shit out of my egg salad in the food processor and only needed 2 tbs of light mayo as the food processor seemed to whip the egg.  That shit tastes good and no creepy ass egg white rubbers rolling around in my mouth.

Things to learn when you freeze almost expired yogurt for smoothies:  I put the yogurt in small baggies as I didn't have enough containers.  I then in a hurry shoved the yogurt bags on the wire shelf.  The yogurt bags slid through the wire shelves and froze.  My husband had to use his muscles to break the yogurt off the shelf.  hahaha.  It's kind of funny.  Learn from my mistake, take time to put the yogurt bags onto the solid shelf before freezing!  hahaha

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday


Following the blog link up from Erin and Alex!

Last Weigh In: February 6, 2013 – 179 pounds.

Today’s Weight: 180 pounds. Up 1 pound  

Starting Weight: September 19th, 2011 - 205 pounds.  Down overall 25 pounds. (This is balls as I had lost 30, and since Christmas, I have gained back five, BAH) 

Operation Baby Making Status (OBM): Not preggers yet.

This is my own fault.  I know it.  I can’t blame bloat, I can’t blame the pill.  (Correction, I blame the pill slightly as I am now hungry all of the time, I blame the pill for that.) I am ravenous all of the time, no matter how much protein I eat, I can’t feel satisfied.  This last week I was like “Fuck this shit” and stuffed my face.  Monday and Tuesday, I did good calorie wise, but I can’t expect two days of eating good to erase five days of eating like shit.  I have worked out five days a week consistently.  (Tuesday evening I tried Jillian Michaels: Banish FatBoost Metabolism Complete Workout, which you can watch for free on It kicked my lazy ass.)

Oh and so far I have done every day of the Fab Ab February Challenge.

 Today was the first day I was ever reduced to tears after stepping off the scale.  It’s my own fault.  While my weight has always frustrated me, I was consumed by the thought of not getting pregnant as my body wants to gain instead of get to a healthy, lower weight.  (I know this is a mental thing, as my body doesn’t want to gain, it’s my mind telling me I am hungry all of the time.)  My concern is that I am only 5’3” and my weight, which is considered obese, will:  

  • reduce my chances of getting pregnant,
  • if/when I get pregnant, it will put me and my imaginary babyat a higher risk for complications,
  • if/when I gain more weight when pregnant I will be working that much harder with a new baby to get my weight down. 

My Mom GAINED 70 pounds when she was pregnant with me.  SEVENTY.  I was ten pounds and six ounces when I was born.  Due to my Mom’s large weight gain and her large baby, she had to spend a few extra days in the hospital under observation in case she was developing diabetes.  A healthy weight gain for a pregnancy is 15 to 20 pounds.  I wanted to lose that much more so when I am done popping out imaginary baby that I would be at this weight, and not back at original my starting weight. 

My husband was with me and he was super sweet.  He hugged me and listened as I blubbered.  In my melt down, I told him I think we should put off trying until April so I can get back on track weight wise.  He was totally ok with that, he is always supportive and he has never put pressure on me on the baby front.  He said he wants to get healthy too, so we decided, as the lazy, shopping cart Catholics we are, to use Lent to our advantage and give up junk food: No cookies, ice cream, cake, chips, candy and popcorn.  And we will be acknowledging no meat on Fridays during lent.  And he is going to try my Jillian DVDs with me.  He hasn’t worked out since we gave up our gym membership.  He is amazing.  I love him.

I brought the remaining junk food in our house to my co-workers.  Yes, I am that jerk that brings junk food to the office. 

OBM: I am horny as fuck.  I was going to write a blog and call it “Horny Jes” in keeping with my previous blog titles, but I was afraid of it showing up in google searches for porn, hahaha.  Since coming off the BCP January 6, I have been getting hornier each week.  I literally threw myself at my husband last Friday, to the point where I think I scared him, hahahaha.  So even if I don’t get pregnant right away, at least I am scratching my itch. Hahaha

Back to my whiney self:  I am getting so frustrated with myself.  I know I didn’t put the weight on in a year, it was a fifteen plus year process.  But since September 19, 2011, my life has revolved around healthy living.  Beating myself up for days I fail, counting calories, beating myself up for days I go over them, working out.  At least that is something I have done consistently, I seldom beat myself up for a missed workout day as I don’t have many.  But when I do miss a day, or have a scheduled rest day I beat myself up for going crazy and treating said rest day as a free for all calorie wise.  It’s frustrating to think I still have a long road a head of me.  And while I will be super excited and happy and blessed to have a child, I sometimes have pains of frustration thinking, once I have the kid, I will have to start all over again to get my body back in shape.  I am just hoping that having a child will motivate me to want to be healthy for the child.  So my child will have their mother for a long, healthy time.  So my child will have a healthy role model.

Just one fatty food picture, Pancake Tuesday:  I swear this meal came in at 500 calories, I know it’s not great but it was tasty and I budgeted for it yesterday.  Two slices of reduced salt bacon, low fat whipped cream, a few chocolate chips, a few strawberries, and a pancake.  Then I did Jillian’s Banish Fat Boost Metabolismworkout.

PS.  I am going back to weighing myself daily.  Leaving it a week is not allowing me the accountability that I used to have.  Every day I would see my progress and would keep it in my mind the whole day to stay on track. 

PPS I am going to start up my walking on my lunch break, weather permitting.  We got dumped a huge pile of snow last week and the parking lot is finally cleared enough here to walk around safely without falling and breaking our necks.  (Contrary to popular belief, Canadians, especially ones who can ice skate, still have just as hard of a time walking on ice as the rest of the world does, hahahahaha :P  I had a co-worker tell me because I am Canadian I am safer to walk across the ice then other people.  It was so cute it was hilarious.)

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Weigh In Wednesday AND Clothing Swap Party


Following the blog link up from Erin and Alex!

Last Weigh In: January 30, 2013 – 179.5 pounds.

Today’s Weight: 179 pounds. Down .5 pounds  

Starting Weight: September 19th, 2011 - 205 pounds.  Down overall 26 pounds.

Ok this is better then last Wednesday, especially considering I ate my weight in junk food the last week.  Today is Day 7 of my TOM.  I am hoping the bloat will be gone in the next day or two.

This morning I completed Day 5 of Jillian Michael’s Shred It With Weights Workout Two.  That bitch is crazy.  But I love her.

I also completed Day 2 of the Fab Ab February challenge.  I started late and am four days behind so I figured I would skip the rest days.  

I bought a pair of skinny jeans.  At Value Village.  I don’t mind buying used clothing, as long as it’s in good shape and not funky smelling or anything.  I am trying not to buy any new clothing, but I need a few transition pieces in the mean time as my size 18 jeans were falling off me.  Before Christmas, I found a pair of Gap jeans at Value Village that looked like they had been worn maybe once, in a size 12!  I was excited.  I know the size of your pants shouldn’t matter, that you dress yourself to fit your body but I was excited regardless.   Before my crazy bloating a few weeks ago, I found a pair of brand new jeans.  Original store tags on them!  They are a size 12, and a very dark wash.  They make my legs look like toothpicks and considering I have thunder thighs I am going to call them “My magic jeans.” I can do the buttons up, however, I can’t breath very well in them… and I have the world’s biggest muffin top in them.  Funny how sizes work as the Gap jeans fit perfect in a size 12, and the skinny jeans, I think they were Gasoline, I struggle to breathe in a size 12.  My goal is to fit into them by March 21, which is my sister’s birthday and I want to show off my hard work to my family.    

Need to get some transition pieces but have no money?  THROW A CLOTHING SWAP PARTY!!!

Last summer I hosted a Clothing Swap and Potluck with some of the ladies from my hockey team.  You can't go wrong.  It gives you a reason to clean out your closet, you get some new-to-you pieces AND the leftovers go to charity so WIN WIN!

The potluck food all ended up being healthy and all had a Latin flare without our planning on it so that was fun. All of the food was ridiculously yummy!  There were six of us including me, I had invited twelve and I was worried it wasn’t going to work well without a lot of people, but we ended up with a lot of clothing!

One of my friends brought homemade Watermelon Salsa, another friend brought Peach Salsa which was amazing as well!  I hadn't tried Watermelon Salsa before nor Peach Salsa and I was in love with both!

I used my kitchen and tried to make it look like a classy, little boutique. It ended up resembling something more like a rummage sale but at least it was organized! haha. I used signs to help keep everything somewhat organized like a store and draped white table clothes and white bed sheets across chairs, a shelf from the basement, the kitchen table and the dog crate.

I had a garbage bag from my Mom and a garbage bag from my sister in addition to the 3 bags I had. One of the other girls brought clothes from one of our friends who couldn’t make it. Everyone brought clothing that didn’t fit them anymore or they just never wore, for six women, we had a LOT to choose from!

Everyone found stuff the could use which is awesome!  I was so happy!  I think I got the most; I ended up with a garbage bag and a half full of clothing. This is awesome as my clothing has been swimming on me and I wanted to wait until I reached my goal weight to buy clothes. (Plus, I can't afford to buy the clothes right now... ) I got 7 pairs of jeans which is wild as I can never find jeans to fit. (As this was last summer, these jeans are now too big on me!  Bah/Yay!) I even found a pair of jean capris that I searched for all over the place at the beginning of summer and couldn’t find.  I can’t believe it.  I ended up with a few pieces that I don’t quite fit into yet but I snagged them as no one else wanted them, with hopes that in a few months I can fit into them! What a huge money saver!  A lot of the stuff was brand new; people bought it and then decided to never wear it.

The leftovers were picked up by the Canadian Diabetes association.We had EIGHT FULL garbage bags of clothing for charity!  And most of it is brand new or newish stuff!  How awesome is that!

This idea was so awesome, everyone had a lot of fun and everyone requested we do this seasonally. Plus, the potluck was awesome as it was less work for me and it’s so fun to see all the different things people make and get to eat it! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS!!! :)

You can do this for kids' clothes, men's clothes or for the whole family!

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Tuesday Ramblings

I have realized my blog has become super boring.  It’s just me whining.  I apologize.  I will try to curb the whining and I thought I would jazz up the place with some pictures.  At least if you are bored, you can just look at the pictures!!!

Just cause I LOVE snow, seriously, I know everyone thinks I am crazy but I LOVE it.  Everything is prettier in covered in snow.  Winter is my favourite time of the year!

My favourite tree in the park in the neighbourhood I grew up in.

Snow, Snow, Snow!

(I apologize a head of time, all of the food I took pictures of this week was junk food.  Try not to lick the screen.)

I have lost all motivation food wise.  I am still diligently working out five days a week, (Four days of Chred It with Weights and one day of hockey.) But for this past week I have shoveled food in my pie hole like there is no tomorrow.  Fair enough, it’s my time of the month.  (Which in case anyone was wondering, it is going exactly as I wrote below how my TOM used to be eight years ago before I went on the BCP.  Strange isn’t it?) 

Saturday I was craving Ruffles Sour Cream and Bacon chips.  They don’t seem to sell small bags anywhere around here, so I bought a big bag, AND ATE THE WHOLE DAMNED THING.  I proceeded to burp them up all evening as well.  I am classy I know. I played hockey, but it wasn't a big enough workout to burn off the calories from a big bag of chips.  bah.

We went to a Super Bowl party on Sunday, after three plates of yummy, amazingly, disgustingly, fatty, Super Bowl buffet food and two plates of dessert, I was telling my husband I needed to be rolled out of the house.  (I ate four pieces of garlic bread with cheese.  Why I need cheese during my TOM, I don’t know, but it has been a constant since I was young.  I could’t care less about cheese on a regular day, but hormones makes me a Cheese Monster.)  I made The Londoner's Slutty Brownies to bring for the buffet.  Super easy and everyone goes gagaga for them.  Chocolate Chip cookie dough from a mix.  Mix accordingly and add a TBS of Oil and a TBS of Water to the mix as they bake longer then recommended.  Pat down in the bottom of a greased 9x13 pan.  Layer Oreos, or Frozen Caramilk bars on top of cookie dough.  Mix a brownie mix as per the box.  Pour on top of Oreos and cookie dough.  Bake for 35 minutes on 350F.  The batter is not all the way cooked, it’s like a molten cake.  Fucking AMAZING.  And as it wasn’t fatty enough, I iced the brownies with fudge icing.  I am sorry if you are licking the screen.  They were unreal.   

Slutty Brownies

Monday I ate a lot as well, we had my sister and her man over for dinner and grilled steak, grilled chicken wings, roast potatoes, Cesar salad and garlic bread.  Real garlic, garlic bread, dripping in butter.  With yummy cheese.  I couldn’t stop eating.  I was still eating a good half hour after anyone else was finished.  I just continued to shovel food in my mouth.  Then we had cupcakes that made my tongue turn pink from the frosting, and mediocre Paczki (Polish Easter donuts.  I know, I know, donuts are not the best choice but this little Polish girl needed a Polish donut).  Mediocre as the donut was good, the jam filling was fake jam.  I don’t think it was real fruit in the slightest. 

I had a leftover Packzi for breakfast this morning.  And two big, homemade, Rice Krispie Squares.  I know.  I suck.  I can’t help it.

Wednesday should be the last day of my TOM.  It’s our wedding anniversary.  We are going for dinner, I hope that come Thursday my hormones will start to calm down, and I can get back on track. 

I fear for my weigh in tomorrow.  Sunday I had a hard time buttoning my jeans.  (I am bloated I know, but I am sure I gained some legitimate poundage too.  January to February is becoming a bit of a write off for me.  Thursday, February 7th I will be back on track, hormones permitting.

One last whine session:  I always have problems with my back.  I sit at a desk all day.  I get muscle spasms and knots like crazy.  I have two ligaments that have flipped themselves over that run across my shoulders.  I now have a pinched nerve.  Not fun.  I am still plugging away at the workouts because I find it loosens me up, if even for a bit.  I have the heating pad glued to my back now.  Bah.  

Just for fun.  My new weights!

Friday 1 February 2013

Fitness Friday! Looking Forward to the Weekend! No Preggers!


Fitness Friday!

First off I am NOT pregnant.  More on that further on.  Today is my rest day, which worked out perfect as I was really pressed for time this morning.  (We had car issues and I had to get my Dad to pick me up and drive me to work, PLUS I dyed my hair this morning, I had to cover my grays!  I don’t want to look like my babies’ grandmother instead of their Mama, one day.) 

Wednesday I started the second workout of Jillian Michael’s Shred It With Weights.  Since January 2nd, I had completed the first workout 15 times (There was Zumba and hockey in between!).  I figured I would move on to the second workout.  She kicked my ass.  I thought workout 1 was hard workout 2 was ridconulous.  However, I felt good afterwards.  There are some days I wake up and I can’t move, I am exhausted, my head hurts; simply I do not want to workout.  I try so hard to get out of bed.  If I am successful to get out of bed, (I have only had one unscheduled rest day for the month of January, so I am doing all right) I may struggle through the workout, but I ALWAYS feel BETTER afterwards.  Gah.  I never thought I would be that kind of person, a workout person.  I have consistently been working out at least 4 times a week, mostly more since September 2011.  I figure this is a good thing.  I like how I feel after I workout, and the days of me not wanting to get out of bed are fewer and farther between as I know I will feel better when I am done.  Gah.  Who knew I would become this person!

This weekend is shaping up to be a lot of fun.   This evening we are making some home made rice and dry garlic pork for dinner.  Yum.  Then we are hanging out with some of our friends who we haven’t seen in a while.

Saturday I am busy, busy, busy. 

  1. Vet appointment for our dog.  Our dog has been struggling with inflamed skin from allergies since October.  Since October, the vet has pumped her/drained my wallet with steroids, anti-biotics, a shitty preventative (that has done fuck all, as her skin is all inflamed again) and expensive dog food.  This poor dog is itchy and it’s going to drive us to the poor house.  Luckily for her, we love her to death so we are trying our best to keep her comfortable.  It’s incredibly frustrating as the vet has yet to determine what is causing our dog’s allergies. 
  2. Finally a hair appointment for me!  My amazing hairdresser made me look gorgeous back in October and I haven’t had a cut since.  (Four months without a haircut and my short hair is VERY long and wild looking.)
  3. Finally new tires for my car!  My back tires are as bald as Mr.Clean.  But we finally saved up a little bit and can finally get them replaced. 
  4. HOCKEY!!!

Sunday we are heading to our friend’s house for their Super Bowl bash.  I HATE football.  But I like the Super Bowl.  I LOVE the food.  (And POTLUCK to boot.  I LOVE POTLUCK!!! I LOVE seeing what other people eat, and most importantly, not having to put on a full meal for us.)   I LOVE the performances and I enjoy the commercials.  Plus being a big group of our friends will be fun.  

Operation Baby Making:

I appreciated everyone hoping I was knocked up! Hahaha.  I am am NOT PREGGERS.  Last night, on day 29, I started my period.  The thing is, I was trying not to get my hopes up and I am all right with it.  I wasn’t actively trying yet, it would have been nice though if I had got knocked up.  Next few months we will actively try.  The interesting thing to me is, after eight years on the BCP I am back to how I was from the moment I started getting my periods until the day I started the BCP, so a good 10 to 12 years, I ALWAYS started my period on day 29 of my cycle.  Like clock work.  I am excited to know that my first period off the BCP started just as it did before.  I even have the cramps in my lower back on day two of my period, just as I used to always get.  Not too bad of cramps, I was lucky with that. I do have crazy bloating.  (I think 4 pounds of crazy bloat.  Eghad.)

Since I was twelve I had the same PMS/Period symptoms (lack of a better term):

I would crave cheddar cheese a few days before my period (Last weekend I needed a cheeseburger, yes NEED.)
Day 29 start period (Now that I think of it, technically this becomes Day 1, right?)  So I had the full 28 days and then started the cycle.) Light
Day 2 cramps in lower back. Light
Day 3 to 6 Heavy
Day 7 Light

I hope that my body stays on this same pattern, as so far it seems as it is.