Tuesday 31 July 2012


Hey remember that time I said I was ADD and get bored easily; I think this explains some of my food problems.  I can’t stand eating the same thing every day.  I feel this is where my biggest failure lies.  I also have the problem of not packing enough, or more specifically, not enough protein, resulting in hunger all day.  Yesterday I brought a Reduced Fat PB & No Sugar Added Jam sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread.  While this may seem decent, I feel on days when I work out in the mornings, it is not filling enough and it can be monotonous.  I sadly went and got Wendy’s in addition to my sandwich.  I feel that was all due to poor planning on my part. 

I understand the concept of healthy eating; lean proteins to help keep you full, fruits and veggies for vitamins and whole grains for fiber and other nutrients.  I really, truly try to follow a healthy food lifestyle, but I tend to fall into ruts and use the junk food ladder to climb out of the rut.  I know it’s bad.  I plan ahead for our dinners, which is helpful and I try to plan ahead for lunches.  Even if I plan ahead I sometimes stumble, the days I don’t plan a head I flop around like a fish out of water.  Some days I pack many protein snacks: a small bit of cheese, a few nuts, PB, etc, all in moderation of course, as I painstakingly count out my nuts to not exceed 100 calories depending on the nut.  There are days where I fail to leave myself enough time to pack said snacks, and only a wee sandwich makes it into my lunch bag.

Tonight I am going to do two things to help ensure I have a yummy tasting, different, leanish protein for lunch for the rest of the week.  I am going to make healthy-ish crab cakes (from a can, save me the lecture you foodies, this can cost me $3 which is a splurge for me, so buying fresh crab is out of the question).  Crab is very low in calories, so as long as I don’t add too much crap it should be healthy.  And I am going to make healthy-ish egg salad for a whole wheat sandwich.  Maybe that is still boring for you but I seldom have egg salad so I find it interesting!

Crab Cakes

The crab cakes I am going with my Mom’s recipe (I don’t know where it came from, if she just made it up from a few I don’t know)

1 can of crab  (70 calories for the can)
1/3 of a cup of whole wheat bread crumbs  (About 65 calories)
1 large egg  (70 calories)
2 tbs Chopped green onion
2 tbs Chopped red bell pepper
1 tsp Garlic Powder
½ tsp Cayenne

1 tbs of olive oil for browning.  Cook on medium for 4 to 5 minutes on each side until they brown.

Can be prepared a head of time and warmed up later.

Makes about 2 to 3 medium sized crab cakes. 

Total – About 250 calories, for the whole thing! Which leaves me room for my fruit and a small snack to make for a 400 calorie lunch!

Egg Salad. 

Here is my beef with egg salad; I despise the texture of the white part of the egg once it has been hard-boiled.  I had a friend who was mocking her husband for pureeing the whole boiled egg in the food processor, laughing at him as the rubbery egg white was completely pulverized.  This seemed right up my alley!  Grant it, it’s almost like mayo when you are done.  However, it’s good as you don’t have to add mayo, which makes it healthier and I can enjoy the healthy benefits of the egg white without getting grossed out by the rubbery texture.  I like to add a tbs of green relish to the mixture to help keep it moist (plus green relish only has 5 calories per 1 tbs)  I like to season with cayenne (it’s my favourite seasoning)  Yum, I wish I had made this last night for today’s lunch.  (I will be doubling this recipe in order to get a wrap for tomorrow and a sandwich for Friday)

1 large egg – 70 calories
1 tbs green relish - 5 calories
Sprinkle of Cayenne – 0 calories
Medium sized Whole Wheat Wrap – 190 calories (I could use two slices of Whole Wheat bread for 65 calories a piece)

Total – About 265 calories! Which leaves me room for my fruit and a small snack to make for a 400 calorie lunch!

There, now that I planned it, I have to follow, especially since I put it out in the internet world!  I suppose that is what this blog is for, to help keep me accountable!

Still Working Out, Still Over Eating

I get bored really easily.  I think I have ADD, and most likely have had it all my life but for some reason no one ever picked up on it when I was a child. 

This brings me to present day when I get bored with my workouts and in trying not to allow that to wreck my good behaviour; I am always looking for something to change up my routine. 

My power skating finished back in June, and my hockey finishes this week, so I have to be diligent in sticking to other workouts… at least until September when the winter hockey season starts up.  (I can’t wait!)

Having the gym membership helps.  I love to swim (I swam for an hour both Saturday and Sunday this past weekend), I don’t love the machines persee but a good playlist makes them tolerable.  I love the Zumba class at the gym.  My sister just joined the gym too so I am excited to have a workout buddy to attend classes with (hubby tends to work out after he is done work so we don’t get to work out as much together as I initially thought we would, regardless, he doesn’t want to do any of the Zumba classes etc.)  I really enjoy the Zumba.  My sister and I are going to try aqua fit!  I always think of it for older people but I asked the lifeguard and she said all ages come out, so an additional workout in a pool is right up my alley!

Some days I don’t have an hour to spend at the gym.  On those days I try to do a Jillian Michaels’ DVD at home for a half hour, before work.  I love the 30-day Shred; I have done the Shred at least 60 times (60 different days, not 60 rounds of 30 days).  I borrowed the 6 Week 6 Pack from the library (I could only keep it for 2 weeks) so now I am back to using Youtube for additional workouts without having to pay for them.  I am now working on Ripped in 30.  All 4 weeks are on Youtube which is awesome. 

If I was smart and motivated, I would do a DVD workout everyday in addition to my other workouts.  This is always the plan regardless but sometimes life, and my tiredness, get in the way.

I feel like I am good with the workouts, it’s the calories and over eating/over indulging that is still my biggest issue.  I was so tempted to use the word failure, but what have I failed?  I have maintained my weight loss so far.  And while I don’t lose the pounds as quickly as I think I should, I continue to lose inches.  The doctor told me I can’t consider that a plateau, because at least something is moving.  Still, I always seem to lean towards being a Debbie Downer and poopoo on myself for not being where I hoped I would be thus far…

Thursday 26 July 2012

I do better if I workout...

I find I do much better if I workout.  Any day that I schedule as a rest day I seem to blow my calories.  (Anyone else tired of hearing about me blowing my calories? I am!  Bah!)  If I work out, I stick to the calories.  I must feel like I don't want to blow my calories after all the physical hard work. 

Monday and Tuesday I did not work out.  I ate till I couldn't move.

Wednesday and today I started the day off with 6 Week 6 Pack.  It kicks my arse.  I did good calorie wise. 

I like the 6 Week 6 Pack.  It's fast and it's hard but I hope it works.

Sunday 22 July 2012

I have too much fun on the weekends...

Tried to eat healthy this weekend, was successful up until this afternoon... Hopefully I won't see an increase on the scale tomorrow!  :)

Saturday 21 July 2012

This is Me Before and During

This was hard for me to do.  Here is me at 205 pounds.  September 2011.  (I wish that I had taken pictures of myself sideways but at least here is the front and back.)  I PG13'd my butt crack out of these photos, no one wants to see that!

This is me a few days ago: - 178.5 pounds - 26.5 pounds down

I am glad I took the photos to help me see how far I have come.  Obviously I still have work to do, but I am proud of the difference thus far.

*These photos are property of Niagara Budget Girl, if you steal them I will hunt you down and hurt your sorry ass.

177.5 - 27.5 Pounds

It took me a week and a half to lose another pound.  I think my weight loss journey is the slowest journey ever.  And let's be frank, I worked hard at it the last week and a half.  The weekend was tricky as we had our hockey BBQ last Saturday.  I knew that was going to be a cheat day.  But other then that I went to the gym for an hour each day: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  I did the 6 Week 6 Pack on Wednesday.  Wasn't so bad, goes SUPER quick.  I was sore the next day though.  We played hockey last night.  My calories were all around 1600 a day.  While I realize 1 pound in a week and a half is probably considered healthy, I just wish it would speed up a bit.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Some Pictures I Found ~ Food For Thought

Jillian Michaels' 6 Week 6 Pack & The Library

*Thrifty Alert*

Anyone who knows me knows I am a book worm and that I LOVE the Library.  So it’s surprising to me that ten months into my weightless journey I only now consult the reference material at the library.  Which let me tell you, they had TONS of weight loss books, healthy eating books and healthy recipe books, not to mention a pile of workout DVDS.

I went to the library this week and took out four Jillian Michaels books and borrowed their copy of her 6 Week 6 Pack.  I really enjoyed her 30-Day Shred and own the DVD.  (It’s on for really cheap on Amazon)  I didn’t want to buy another DVD without giving it a test run.  I know I could try them for free on YouTube but I like the convenience of using the TV for viewing them.  (Another thrifty idea, I didn’t know that workouts were on YouTube until a few months ago, this is how I tested out the 30-Day Shred by using YouTube) Anyways, to borrow a DVD at my library doesn’t cost anything, so that works to my advantage.  I am planning on trying the first workout today. 

I haven’t had time to even open one of her books yet or use the DVD yet, I am hoping today I get to do both.  I didn’t realize that there was a book to go with the 30-Day Shred, “Making the Cut” which I also borrowed from the library. I just loosely flipped through it, it looks like its healthy eating and suggested eating plans.  I am excited to read it, I like getting helpful hints and new ideas for snacks and meals.  I HATE eating the same thing all the time.  Variety is the spice of life!

I once purchased “Look Better Naked”; I should have gone to the library and borrowed it as I only read it once.  I bought it thinking I would keep it for reference but it really didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know.

I hate wasting money!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Sleepy and Sore.

I went to the gym yesterday morning.  Last week I was so busy I didn't go to the gym once, I worked out at home with the Shred DVD.  My butt is sore.  I worked hard yesterday.  I tried to concentrate on the resistance machines as per the personal trainer's suggestion.  He said that Hockey counts as my cardio and so does Zumba.  I am tired.  I hope to go to the gym tonight but we shall see, I will pack my bag and hope I don't lose steam by the time work is done.  I have a hard time working out after work sometimes.  I know I sit at a desk all day so in theory I shouldn't be physically tired, but being mentally tired sure takes a toll on my body.  Here's to hoping my mind doesn't drag me down today!

Bloggers I Use as Motivation or for Helpful Hints

I LOVE Pinterest for finding really interesting/funny/helpful blogs from other women who struggle/have struggled with their weight.  I like reading what they eat and recipes they find yummy.  I like reading what they find helps them and using their experiences to help form my own.  This is how I found Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred that I have found to really help me.  I LOVED seeing their before and after photos, that's real motivation for me.

Here are a few blogs that I have beeen reading recently:

http://takingchancesjourney.blogspot.ca/ She was the first one I started to read.  HILARIOUS.  And very real.  She was a Shred inspiration.

http://www.theshredheads.com/ Shred inspiration as well.

Mama Laughlin She is HILARIOUS.  Love her rockin' Texas flare that she spins on things.  Also a Shred inspiration.

http://www.canyoustayfordinner.com/what-i-miss-from-135lbs-ago/ She has had an incredible journey and has amazing recipes.

http://muffintop-less.tumblr.com/AboutMe This girl's focus is on weight training and as you can see it really pays off for her.

http://undressedskeleton.tumblr.com/betterbreakfast  This girl has an inspiring story.  She also has some great food ideas.

Eat Yourself Skinny http://www.eat-yourself-skinny.com/p/about-me_20.html Also has some great recipes!

That's just a few of them.  I read anything I can get my hands onto but these are the ones I am currently reading.

Sunday 15 July 2012

Things That I Find Have Helped Me So Far:

  1. Talking to my doctor and getting real advice from an educated source.
  2. Going to a dietician to learn healthy eating, not following a fad diet.
  3. Going to a personal trainer who was also a source for healthy eating tips and the best way to work out my body.
  4. Keeping a food journal, diary, budget; whatever you want to call it. I am a numbers person; I used MS Excel to create my food diary. It keeps me accountable; there is no lying to it. It also helps me plan the next day.
  5. Planning ahead ~ If I plan for the entire day’s calories in the morning or the day before (day before is even better) it really helps, there is no flying by the seat of my pants. Plus it helps me make my lunch the night before so I am not scrambling in the morning.
  6. Planning ahead ~ My husband doesn’t know how to cook really, a lot of our meals I cook on the weekend so he can start the heating up process up a head of time. He helps me with all of the prep work; cutting of veggies etc a head of time as he wants to feel more helpful which is really nice. Just because he doesn’t know how to cook he still wants to help. I try to teach him things along the way. His chicken cutlets are way better then my own!
  7. Planning ahead ~ I create a meal plan for dinner time upwards to a month in advance. There is no guessing what we are having for dinner or coming home and eating junk because we are too tired and lazy to come up with an idea. If we don’t feel like that idea we borrow from the next night. This is also really helpful for in the mornings we can pull out something to thaw and for planning grocery trips, so we don’t just chuck whatever into the grocery cart. Again, knowing it in advance sure is helpful. I use MS Excel to create my monthly food plan.
  8. Planning ahead ~ I also use MS Excel to chart out my workouts. I may not follow it strictly as sometimes life happens and it doesn’t go as planned but it’s there to keep me motivated and help me figure out what’s best for my schedule.
  9. Take a day off from working out. Workout maybe 4 to 5 times a week, not 7. I did 30 days straight this April and I was so exhausted by the end of the day, and I didn’t lose any weight. Now I am working out 4 to 5 times a weeks, I am seeing some improvement weight wise and I feel I have WAY more energy compared to pushing myself everyday.
  10. Trying to get more sleep. My Mom has woken up every day of my life at 5am. She can’t sleep later. I am starting to become this way. According to all the health articles, you need 8 to 9 hours of sleep to keep your metabolism going.
  11. Have mini goals. While having a main goal is important, it is definitely daunting and can feel like it will never happen. I have been working in 5 pound mini goals and every time I achieve one I feel like I am walking on air, especially when I finally tip the scale over that hurdle and get moving on the next goal!
  12. Drinking lots of water.
  13. Trying to eat more healthy lean protein to help keep me full throughout the day. Looking back at my food diary, I was consuming only one serving of protein a day, no wonder I was ravenous. I am trying to work my way up to 4 servings. Things I like (In moderation of course): Lean beef, chicken, cheese, nuts, protein shakes, eggs, oatmeal muffins…
  14. Eating oatmeal at least once a day.
  15. Swimming, I love to swim.
  16. Weight lifting/strength training. I like knowing I am tightening up, no point in losing weight if I am still going to jiggle in the end.
  17. Pinterest for healthy recipies, motivational stories, sayings and blogs.
  18. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred really took the inches off.
  19. Talking to my Mom as she was successful in losing 70+ pounds ten years ago and keeping most of it off. She did it by cutting out junk and adding exercise to her routine. She understands my struggles and is my biggest cheerleader.
  20. Give into my craving, in moderation. To deprive myself resulted in failure. I love potato chips (I know, I know, worse things ever) But if I didn’t plan for them I would go crazy, buy a big bag and finish them off in one sitting. Even though it’s more money, I buy the individual little bags to help with a craving. I have a controlled portion. (Luckily, these are becoming further in between!)
  21. Similar to above, but plan for a treat. I am only human.
  22. NOT having a cheat day. I have no self-control still, perhaps one day I can devote a whole day, but for now I know this does not work for me as I seem to throw moderation out of the window and gorge on 4000 calories for 24 hours. Not good. I have to do #20 and #21. This is a much better idea for me.
  23. Mama Laughlin – I love seeing someone who went through this and is hilarious about it. 
  24. Seeing other people’s before and after stories!
  25. Having a “Fat Journal” I would print out and cut and paste inspirational stories, pictures, common sense articles, and write how I felt at certain stages. How I felt gross when I gorged on junk food, how great I felt putting my old jeans back on, how awesome I felt when I hit my goals! Great motivation, my own struggles and successes.
  26. Keeping all my measurements, not just weight, so I can see how far I have come. be even more important: TAKE PICTURES AT EACH WEIGH IN/MEASUREMENT.  You will be shocked to see how far you have come.  I am so glad I took measurements of my waist, hips etc. I knew I had more room in my pants and now I know how much!
  27. Remembering to look back at how far I have come. Celebrate it. I may not have reached my ultimate goal in the period I initially created but I have achieved a significant amount of a weight loss. I keep thinking of how much 30 pounds of potatoes look like in the grocery store, that’s a lot of weight!
  28. Having a workout buddy ~ Having my husband on board with a healthy lifestyle is much easier.

Friday 13 July 2012

Clothing Swap and Potluck was a Success!!!

Last night I hosted some of my hockey ladies for a clothing swap and potluck.  The potluck food all ended up being healthy and all had a Latin flare without our planning on it so that was really cool.  I invited 12 people and there was 6 including me in the end, I was worried it wasn’t going to work well without a lot of people, but we ended up with a lot of clothing!    

I had a garbage bag from my Mom and a garbage bag from my sister in addition to the 3 bags I had.  One of the other girls brought clothes from one of our friends who couldn’t make it.  It was really cool.  Everyone brought clothing that didn’t fit them anymore or they just never wore. 

Everyone found a lot of stuff which is awesome!  I was so happy!  I think I got the most; I ended up with a garbage bag and a half full of clothing.  This is awesome as my clothing has been swimming on me and I wanted to wait until I reached my goal weight to buy clothes.  (Plus I can't afford to buy the clothes right now... ) I got about 7 pairs of jeans which is wild as I can never find jeans to fit.  I even got a pair of jean capris that I searched for all over the place at the beginning of summer and couldn’t find.  I can’t believe it.  I ended up with a few pieces that I couldn’t quite fit into yet but I snagged them as no one else wanted them with hopes that in a few months I can fit into them!  What a huge money saver!  A lot of the stuff was brand new; people bought it and then decided to never wear it. 

The leftovers will be picked up by the Diabetes association.  We have EIGHT FULL garbage bags of clothing for charity!  And most of it is brand new or newish stuff!  How awesome is that!

This idea was so awesome, everyone had a lot of fun and everyone requested we do this seasonally.  Plus the potluck was awesome as it was less work for me and it’s so fun to see all the different things people make and get to eat it! 

Thursday 12 July 2012

My Latest Weight Loss is Because of Oats and House Cleaning??? … Who knew?

I am down another half a pound, I am at 178 today, that’s 27 pounds! 30, I am on my way!

I have been aiming for 1400 calories and coming in between 1400 to 1600, plus a workout.  The last two days I have been cleaning the house in the evening after dinner, vigorously cleaning as I have company coming over.  I hate to say this but I think cleaning in the evenings is helping me lose weight.  I am preoccupied for about 2 hours after dinner where normally I would lay on the couch watching tv (most likely mindlessly snacking).  In addition, the cleaning counts as a light workout out.  This is interesting.  I am keeping active which burns the calories and by keeping busy I am preventing myself from stuffing my face with more calories I don’t need and I am always complaining about my house being dirty because I am too tired when I get home from work to actually clean.  This is a win-win all around!

The noticed a pattern in my eating in relation to weight loss.  Last fall when I was quite successful in losing 18 pounds in 3 months, I ate oatmeal every day for lunch.  I know instant isn’t the greatest but it’s hard to make real oatmeal at work.  Oats are the wonder food that helps lower cholesterol and is a slow acting good carbohydrate.  Everything you  read about oats is good!  Our personal trainer told us to eat more oats, and I have to say it helps keep me fuller longer.  The doctor told me my cholesterol was great and I fully believe it’s the oats.  She said to keep up with what I am doing and to keep eating good carbs as well. 

All this week I have been eating these muffins for breakfast and sometimes as a snack.  At 93 calories, I am so surprised by how filling they are.  Now the recipe called for old fashioned oats but I used the quick oats, they just cooked a bit faster so watch if you switch them.  This is the second time I made them and I forgot to food process the oats before I mixed everything and the muffins still turned out great.  This time as I was short on strawberries so I split the berry measurement between frozen strawberries and frozen raspberries, which is really yummy.  I enjoy them!  In addition, they seem to be helping so again win-win!

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Finally! It Moves!!!

I stepped on the scale this morning.  178.5. That’s 26.5 pounds!  I haven’t been in the 170’s for 6 years.  I can’t believe it.  I feel like I plateau pound wise for a few weeks and then finally lose a bit (all while still losing a bit inch wise) I am really happy!  I know it’s only 1.5 pounds, but it’s so much more then that, it puts me on the track of getting to 30, like I got officially over that 25 hurdle.  I can’t wait to hit that 30 pound mark. 

My initial goal was 155, that would be 50 pounds, now I realize weighing 155 pounds at my height is still considered overweight and while yes I understand those figures are guidelines, I want to be comfortably in the “not overweight” category.  I can’t remember the last time I was there, so my new goal is 145.  That would be 60 pounds: at 30 pounds, I will be half way there!  However, I will be equally ecstatic when I hit 50, which, once I hit the 30-pound mark, 50 will only be 20 pounds away!  (Can you tell I am a numbers person?)  I wonder if that is why I plateau at 25 pounds, because that is my half way mark of my first goal.  I enjoyed it, I relaxed, I LIKED MY REFLECTION IN THE MIRROR, I felt really, really good (Other then at the moments I would step on the scale and see it hadn’t moved and then I beat myself up for it).  I feel like I am riding a weight loss high! 

I really truly can’t wait to hit the 160’s.  That’s 8.5 pounds away!  12 years ago I dropped to my lowest after high school of 170, after being in the 185-190 range for most of high school.  I really haven’t been in the 160’s since grade 8, which was 17 years ago.  Man, I can’t wait!!!

I now see why all the weight loss advice promotes working at mini goals, they are fun to celebrate and so much easier to obtain, thus keeping me motivated!

Just have to keep working at it!!! 

My Weight Time Line:

1995 ~ 165 pounds
1995 to 2000 ~ 185-190 pounds (High School)
2000 to 2001 ~ 170 pounds (I worked at a job that I did a lot of physical activity and ate at weird times)
2002 to 2005 ~ 190 pounds (College)
End of 2005 to 2007 ~ 175 pounds (Found out I had a food allergy and cut out most junk food)
2008 to 2009 ~ 190 pounds
End of 2009 ~ 183 pounds
2010 to July 2011 ~ 196 pounds (I found this figure the other day, which is scary as that means I gained 9 pounds over 2 months last summer)
July 2011 to September 2011 ~ 205 pounds
July 2012 ~ 178.5 pounds

Trying to Save Money on Clothes:

One of weirdest things about losing weight is swimming in my clothes.  I am trying not to spend too much money on clothing.  I can’t afford it, so I am utilizing clothing I have. 

I have taken in 4 shirts so far.  I am not a seamstress by any means, I bought a sewing machine years ago and did a co-op in high school with the family studies teacher so I can do the basics of sewing.  I am not great, but I can get things somewhat together.  Pants are out as I can’t figure out hems and I can’t figure out how to take in a waist, I am going to have to go to my grandmother and have her teach me (she is super talented).  I took in two 2X shirts I had from my heaviest time, that I never really wore, I LOVE them now, so cute and fitted.  I even took the arms in, as the arms were huge even when my arms were at their most sausage like.

This week I am hosting my clothing swap with my hockey teammates.  We are all bringing our old clothing that we don’t wear/fit into anymore and everyone can help themselves.  Any leftovers will go to the Diabetes Association.  We also combined it with a potluck.  I am super excited.  I hope it works out all right that everyone gets at least a few new pieces of new-to-them stuff.  I am hoping I can get some sized 10 pants out of the deal as the size 12’s I bought at my birthday are already a bit big on me (YIPPEE!!!!)  If any size 8’s show up I may have to grab a few as well in hopes to use them as motivation!!! 

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Sleepy ...

I am tired.  I played pickup last night.  Talk about a crazy work out.  Today I am scheduled to Shred.  But I don't feel like sitting up let alone work out.  This is my dilemma.  To work out or to rest?  I rested Saturday (sort of, there was a lot of house work done).  Sunday I powered through three hours of garden work, yesterday was pickup.  Today I want to lay down.  But I should Shred.  Bah. 

Saturday 7 July 2012

The Thing That Really Motivates Me

I do hear this quite often and I LOVE it.  Have to keep working at it!

Battling the Weekend Bulge

This weekend I am using my food diary the whole weekend.  No "winging' it.  Weekends I tend to let my guard down.  Not this weekend!

Friday 6 July 2012

Weekends Suck and Old Pictures

I am having problems maintaining my 25. Weekends are my biggest downfall, which is solely my fault. I had last weekend all budgeted out and then I left my food journal at work. I should have created a new one at home: should have, should have, should have. Bah. I blew it. For some reason every time the weekend comes I feel like “Oh, I’ll be fine!” But, I never am. Bah.
This week I am back on track and doing really well. Still not seeing any weight coming off but I have successfully eaten between 1200 – 1400 calories a day PLUS worked out. I am having some problems with some medication of mine, this I know for sure. I am bloating and constipated (sorry is that TMI?) This will affect the scale (I hope).
I am trying really hard to not worry so much about the weight, but it’s hard as I am a numbers person. Numbers show the progression. However, as Mama Laughlin points out, only I will see the scale, no one else. So if I keep eating healthy (and not let the vicious weekend cycle get in my way, bah) and exercising, I should succeed regardless, whether it’s pounds or inches. Which is great in theory as I would love to stop stressing about my weight.
On a happier note, I was looking at a picture from our stag and doe 3 years ago. I was 184 pounds. I remember, because the day after the stag and doe I remember doing a happy dance that I had lost two pounds (water weight, bah) Anyways, I compared the shot (of my back side) to the current one I took on the weekend when I reached the 180 pound mark. I look noticeably smaller in the current photo. I wish I had my measurements taken back at the stag and doe. Maybe I will post a picture later. That helps make me feel better, as I guess losing the inches are better then the weight itself. Plus my arms look way better now. They still need improvement obviously, but they are no where near as sausage-y looking as they looked in the stag and doe picture. It’s funny to see the photo myself, knowing I was almost the same weight but looking way better in the current photo. On occasion on the internet you see before and after photos of a person and they weigh MORE in their current shot but look way better as they are so toned.
Must concentrate on the positives!!!