Thursday 28 February 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday ... a day late!


Following the blog link up from Erin and Alex!

Last Weigh In: February 20, 2013 – 175.5 pounds.

Yesterday’s Weight: 175.5 pounds. No change!  

Starting Weight: September 19th, 2011 - 205 pounds.  Down overall 29.5 pounds.

Operation Baby Making Status (OBM): Not preggers yet. (Not trying until April)

I know I am behind by a day.  I meant to post yesterday but things got hectic.

I am going to start with the most important, it’s serious and non-weight related:

My Uncle G is really struggling.  His surgery, while successful initially, has not helped him as the doctors had hoped.  He is 100% on the respirator.  He is unresponsive, but he has brain activity.  They are currently trying dialysis and after that, they don’t know what else they can do.  They have currently given him a 10% chance of survival.  It sucks huge.  Our extended family has been rotating visiting with his immediate family.  We want to be there for our Aunt and cousins, as much as we want to be there for him.  10% is still better then nothing; we have faith, hope and are being optimistic.  As my cousin put, people win the lottery every day and those are lower odds.  If you could include my Uncle in your prayers, it would be much appreciated.

From this experience, I am seeing first hand how precious life really, truly is.  (I always knew it, but to see it in this manner is a real wake up call.)  I am going to make a pledge, here and now, I am going to live life to its fullestI am going to be as positive of a person as I can be.   So often, we wallow in negativity, anger, hatred, self-pity, and self-loathing.  Today this stops.  Starting today, I am going to love myself.  I will no longer beat myself up.  Somebody else out there is suffering/struggling more then me.  I have to be grateful for what I have.  I am going to try to live my life happy, positive and to it’s fullest.  I am going to laugh more.  (My Uncle G loves to crack jokes and laugh, he’s so funny my Mom says he can make a dog laugh.) I am going to spend as much time as I can with my family and friends.  I am kicking negative sources to the curb and surrounding myself with positivity and love.  My grandfather, who is such an inspiration to me, is so positive, he doesn’t look at the glass half full, it’s ALWAYS full.  He is hands down the happiest person I know.  I want to be like that.  When times get rough, I will try to find a bright side: inspiration, motivation, some way to be better for my loved ones and myself.  I want to be there for my family.  I am telling everyone I love them and I am becoming a hugging machine.  

I don’t want to look back on my life and feel that I wasted my time, and there is no day like today, to make this change.  This pledge, while not weight related I feel is overall health related.  I am going to be the healthiest, happiest person I can be: inside AND out.

Back to Weight:

I know I gained a little bit over the weekend, and this week I went back down.  So even though I was the same from Wednesday to Wednesday, in between I went up two and back down two pounds.  But I feel good!

I am also bloated.  Anyone else tired of hearing me say that?  I am!  Hahaha.  But seriously, it’s that TOM so I am bloated.  I feel it’s worth mentioning as I would love to know if I am back up a couple of pounds due to bloating. 

I feel I did really well this week, even though the scale technically doesn’t reflect it.  We worked out consistently and I have had My Fitness Pal glued to my hand all week long.  I have done really well, and I am very proud of my food choices.  I netted anywhere from 1200 to 1450 calories a day, which is good as I was aiming for a net of 1450.  I have been doing really well with giving up my junk food addictions for Lent.  I haven’t had any insatiable cravings.  Any time I have a bit of a salt craving come up, I guzzle a large glass of water and then I count out my 20 Pepperidge Farm Crackers and eat those, at 90 calories, they taste really good!

Pepperidge Farm Cracker Chips - Savoury Multi-Grain Yum!

Lots of healthy food prep!  Cooked these up a head of time and then froze them for future quick meals!  Broccoli, carrots, and Brussels Sprouts!
Taste the Rainbow!  Lots of healthy groceries this week!

Homemade turkey burgers. Approx. 300 calories. (300 for the whole thing. Burger with bun and low fat laughing cow cheese and veggies. ) Turned out really good and tasty and they were surprisingly very moist.

Fruit and fat free yogurt parfait. Yum!
Fruit Smoothies!
March it’s game on.  First off, I will be weaning myself off diet pop (soda for my American friends).  I am usually a one pop a day kind of girl, sometimes I splurge and have two.  This week I am solely having one can a day.  Next week will be half a can, then a full week of no pop what so ever.  March, when we finish Shred It, we are going back to 30 Day Shred: 5 days a week. Friday will be a rest day.  Saturday will be Hockey.  April will be Ripped in 30 and then May we will be back to Shred It with Weights, unless I break down and buy another Jillian DVD between now and then.  March I am going to attempt a week of a soup diet that my doctor gave me.  You eat as much as you want of this vegetable soup and eat tons of fruit and veggies in addition.  Gradually you add beef to the mix.  It’s sort of a vegan meets paleo type of thing.  You do this for a week at a time.  I did this before I got married and I lost 8 pounds in a week.  Essentially, it’s very clean eating.

My husband started Jillian’s Shred It with Weights with me.  He cracks me up.  By the third circuit, as he is huffing and puffing, he is telling Jillian to “Shut UP”  Hahaha.  Mostly when I curse Jillian in it’s in my head, but he’s just about yelling at the TV.  Hahahahaha.  I love having him as a workout buddy, misery loves company!  Plus, I like that he has made a healthy choice, I want him around as long as humanly possibly.


  1. Praying for your uncle! Your food this week looks delicious and super healthy. You are so close to the big 3-0 in weight loss and that is awesome! Still trying to get the Mr. to do Jillian's video with me.

  2. Praying for your uncle. You are almost to 30 lbs loss. Awesome girl.

  3. Your uncle and the rest of your family will be in my prayers! I'm glad that even though it's a tough situation, you're able to take a lesson out of it and let it inspire you to live your life to the fullest!
