Thursday 21 February 2013

My Uncle's Surgery and my hormones outta whack ... again

I can’t thank you all enough for your thoughts and prayers for my Uncle.

After I posted my blog entry I received a phone call from my Mom, my Uncle was being rushed into surgery.  The CDiff had destroyed his colon and his waste was sitting in his colon with no where to go, they had to remove his colon.  The doctors feared for the inevitable septic shock and surgery was the only option.  His white blood cell count is at zero because of the chemo and he was fighting off another infection, so he had a 50/50 chance of surviving his surgery.  Thank God he did!  I think it was all the prayers from all over that helped.  Plus, he is a fighter.  And our whole family was there, my aunts and uncles and my cousins; family is a powerful support.  At one point a nurse had to come into the room we were sitting and asked us to keep it down as we were disturbing other patients on the floor.  We didn’t mean to!  I swear!  It’s just when we all get together we are a loud, laughing bunch.  I think laughing is a cure all.  My cousin, (who’s Dad was the one in surgery) said she thought that us laughing and joking was sending him positive vibes.  She also said her Dad wouldn’t have it any other way, he would have preferred us to laugh and talk about him instead of all be crying.  (There were still a lot of tears.)  Nothing was greater then seeing the surgeon walk in and update us on his surgery and how it went.  He lost a lot of blood, but he did well.

I missed my workout yesterday (which is understandable.)  We got home late last night, and I am dead tired today.  For some reason I started my period today which it wasn’t expected until NEXT Thursday.  Bah.  I don’t know if it’s stress, or lack of sleep brought it on, but I am disappointed, I totally thought I was back to being like clock work.

I am not going to lie, I am ravenous for junk food today.  I think it is the hormones and stress and tiredness.  I was doing so good too.  MUST NOT EAT JUNKFOOD.  I am on day 8 of 40 days without junk food, I was doing so good!!!  Bah!


  1. So glad to hear he's doing better, will continue to keep you guys in my prayers!

    -Sarah @

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers! It's very appreciated!
