Tuesday 16 July 2013

Tummy Tuesday

So I am back.  I am sorry I have been pretty much AWOL for the last few months.  But I have exciting news!  I am pregnant!  With Twins!  Yes, two lil’ peanuts!  My husband and I tried for two months and bam!  Pregnant.  We are very blessed.  I know it doesn’t come that easy sometimes for people.  I have twins in my family.  My Dad had two sets of twin uncles on his maternal side and a set of twin cousins also on his maternal side.  I kept saying to my husband, “I feel like there are two in there.”  I don’t know how I knew that, I have no prior experience to base that feeling off of. 

I am 13 weeks this week!

I am borrowing Tummy Tuesday from Lora at http://www.raisingsteppesisters.com/2013/07/tummy-tuesday-7.htmlSorry there is no photo.  I was super late today and running behind.

Sleep? No  problems yet.  Unless you call falling asleep every night on the couch as soon as I am done eating dinner. 

Best moment this week? Telling all of our friends and extended family. 

Miss anything?  Subs.  (Can’t have sandwich meat for risk of lysteria.)  And medium rare steaks.  Only well done cooked meat for this lady and her bambinos. 

Movement? The babies were originally side-by-side.  Hence why we have been calling them Lefty and Righty.  Then last week, when we went for hear the heartbeats again; they were on top of each other on the left side.  Righty is lying on top of Lefty.  This makes sitting a bit awkward, as they are crammed on the left side.  (I know, I know, it’s just going to get worse.)  However, even though I am at 13 weeks, I can feel them moving, more specifically the one on the bottom (Lefty) as Lefty is being crammed into the corner.  It’s pretty crazy feeling it.

Size of the baby? 3 inches, the size of a peach

Food cravings? French fries, Baby Ruths and Hot fudge sundaes.  These kids know how to party.

Gender? Don’t know yet.

Bed rest? Not yet, I am warned that it can be more common now that we are having twins.

Limitations? I am starting to get energy back, so other then no heavy lifting, not really.  Oh and no hockey.  I had to fake a wrist injury as soon as I found out I was pregnant so I could avoid playing and get my money back.

Wedding rings? Still on.  When I had lost weight, my fingers ended up with extra room, maybe another month or two I will be singing a different tunes. 

Looking forward to?  Getting the nursery set up.  And of course, MEET THEM!!!

I can't promise I will be posting regularly, I am still pretty tired and haven't had much energy to do anything.  But I read everyone's blogs still!  I swear, I just have not had time to sit down and actually write something!


  1. CONGRATS!!!! I am so happy for you guys!!! I love reading/hearing baby announcements!! This really brightened up my day. My friend had twins with NO bed rest so Hopefully you won't have that problem either. Feeling the baby at 13 weeks, that is freaking awesome. I couldn't feel R until he was about 20 weeks. YAY!!! I am so happy for you!!

    1. Thank you so much!!! I haven't felt them lately this week as they are back to being side by side, but they are definitely growing as I am feeling huge Lol. I am so glad to hear about your friend! I hope I don't get put on bed rest, at least not until I am done work! :)

  2. What?? So happy for you and the Mr. Twins, holy cow! Congratulations!
