Wednesday 31 July 2013

Tummy Tuesday ... a day late and a buck short.

How far along?: 14 weeks and 3 days (in my 15th week is what I keep telling everyone)

Size of the baby?: 4.5 inches – the size of an Iphone 4

Sleep?: I get about 6.5 hours a night, I end up waking up having to go to the bathroom like crazy and of course, I can’t fall back asleep when I wake up at 5am.  Bah.  I want an extra two hours of sleep a night!!!

Best moment this week?:  When my husband FINALLY cleared out the room that will become the nursery, now we can focus on painting!!!

Miss anything?: Prosciutto

Movement?: Not this week, they are back to being side by side so I am not as crammed in.

Food Cravings?: Burger King.  (Don’t judge, that’s what the babies want.)

Morning Sickness?:  Not so much now that I am in my second trimester.  If I don’t eat on time I still get a few waves of nausea, but not actually sick.

Gender?: Don’t know yet, hopefully week 18 we will!

Bed Rest?: Not yet.

Limitations?: Feeling frustrated I can’t lift too much.  I am having a huge sciatic nerve flare up.  Apparently, this is common in the second trimester, and supposedly goes away later in the pregnancy.  I bent over to pick up some laundry and my butt seized up with a weird ache.  I sat for a while on the floor and then couldn’t use my left leg.  Did some yoga and had a sharp stabbing pain shoot down my leg.  Oh joy.

Pregnancy Symptoms?: Other then feeling huge and the sciatic nerve, I am doing alright.

Wedding Rings?: Still on, maybe I can get a few more weeks out of them.

Looking forward to?:  Painting the nursery and setting things up.

Weight Gain?: 15 pounds overall.  This is right on par with my BMI and having twins, so I am not too worried.  I am hoping by delivery day to be up 36 to 40 pounds (babies included in that weight) as it is really important in twins that I gain throughout so they can be of an optimum birth weight.  I know a baby can survive at 2 pounds, but they will be far better off if I can aim for 5 to 6 pounds each.)  I hate when women say they were at their heaviest the day the delivered.  You have a baby inside you!!!  You also have placenta and 1.5 times more blood then normal, this will eventually leave your body.  Bah.  Frustrates me.

Oh another thing that frustrates me is the stupid shit people have said to me and my husband:

1.       Everybody and their brother feel the need to point out how tired I will be when the babies come.  Thanks.  I know that.
2.       Everybody and their brother also feel the need to share every horror story possible about their birthing experience, or a friend or relative, how the mother of the baby almost died etc.  Thanks.  I am already the biggest worry wart as it is.
3.       I was asked by an acquaintance, who clearly must have thought he was being funny, if the babies were my husband’s.  OF COURSE THEY ARE.  Who’s else would they be?!?!?!
4.       I was talking to another acquaintance, and she was telling me of her struggles to get pregnant, to which another male acquaintance said to her “She (pointing to me) made two of them, what’s wrong with you?” He then turned to me and said, “You’re having two, you should give her one.”  Seriously!?!?!  I am most angry at myself because in situations like that I am so dumbfounded, I am like did I just hear that correctly?  I miss any opportunity for a witty comeback or an opportunity to tell the person to fuck off.  The poor girl just giggled nervously/politely.  I felt so bad for her.  Infertility is not a joke, why do people feel the need to make fun of someone for it?  Both of my sisters struggle with infertility, I know I am very blessed.  Bah.  Stupid idiot.  In addition, just because I am having two doesn’t mean I am going to give one away.
5.       It pisses me off when people think it’s ok to ask if “it was planned.”  I almost was expecting that question from older people who might not realize that question now a day is not appropriate, but two young women asked me, they are in their early twenties.  I feel it’s such an invasive question like asking me how much do I make?  Or what kind of sex positions we used? And they were acquaintances who asked.  (For the record, YES they were planned, we tried for two months.)
6.       I also had my first weird comments in regards to my weight loss.  I have read other bloggers mentioning that they have had friends or acquaintances seemingly have an issue with their weight loss.  I had an acquaintance, who is also struggling with her weight say to me “Well now you don’t have to eat healthy.”  I didn’t think much of that other then, that’s kind of dumb.  Then she said to me, “You don’t look pregnant, you just look like you are gaining weight in your midsection.”  (Funny, cause everyone else is pointing out how round and pregnant my giant belly is looking)  She then said “Oh is this why you were trying to lose weight?”  To which I said “Yes, I had talked to my doctor about family planning and he said it was easier to get pregnant at a healthy weight and it was healthier in the long run.”  Her reply was “I got pregnant at this weight.”  She was the one who asked me, I didn’t think I said anything bad.  (I am not an expert, but I would say she is bordering morbidly obese.)  Again, I thought that was a little weird, but then I started to think back to other comments she has said to me in the past about my weight loss and making comments about the food I am eating.  If I refused a baked good, there was always a comment of “You have to be kidding me, it’s just one.”  It’s more the tone that seems to be the issue.  Maybe I am being overly sensitive but it’s weird.  I am just going to avoid her from now on.
7.       When people who annoy you (see #6) ask you EVERYTIME they see you “OMG, AREN’T YOU EXCITED!!!”  Of course I am excited.  However, if you annoy me, there is a good chance I don’t want to you about my happy time, so I just brush you off.  After #6 asked me that about five times in a row, she finally said to me “You don’t seem that excited.” I replied “I am excited, I am just not talking about it every waking second.”
8.       I have had my first “You look big” comment.  Of course I do.  I have two people growing inside me.  Let’s get real people, I am going to be big, no sense stating the obvious.
9.       My husband had a funny statement made to him yesterday by a co-worker.  She said to him.  “I hear you’re having twins.”  He replied “Yup.” To which she said, “Well, I guess your not shooting blanks.”  He said he just kind of stood there and he asked me “What do you say to that?  …Thanks?”  Lol.  I am glad I am not the only one having weird stuff said to me.

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